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The undocumented who refuse to desert a bad U.S. economy are already paying a price to stay here

News reports since November have chronicled the reverse migration, if you will, of undocumented immigrants back to their home countries from the U.S. Whether it's because of the deteriorating economy or harsher immigration enforcement measures, some consulates across the country have noted an upswing in applications by their citizens to take their belongings back home.

While this bit of news would seem encouraging to all those who have campaigned against the presence of undocumented immigrants, it's not a sign that the battle over recognizing the undocumented who are still here is over.

If anything, it should be a clear signal that the fight hasn't even begun.

The voluntary exodus of some undocumented immigrants back to their birthplaces invokes a comparison to Darwin's Survival of the Fittest theory.

Those who stay behind, who are willing to face a bad economy, punitive immigration enforcement, a potential loss in income and/or employment, are the ones with the most invested in the United States — and will put up the biggest fight to stay here.

They may have years of U.S. residency, children who were born and/or were raised here, feel more "American" than the nationality they were born with, etc. If any of these applies, chances are they will fight the hardest and the longest to stay.

The assumption is that these people will indeed be granted citizenship after they "pay a price."

Yet, these people have already paid a price. Trying to exact some kind of "payment" for jumping a nonexistent line is only rhetoric to appease those same ultra conservatives who are now circulating the "Barack the Magic Negro" song and telling everybody it's just good natured satire.

As long as it's their way, then we're supposed to believe it's the right way — and totally fair and unoffensive to boot. It's time everyone opened their eyes.

Exerting another "pay the price" penalty on undocumented immigrants is not only unjust but inhumane when considering they are suffering the same economic hardships, and worse, as the rest of the country.

By virtue of the fact that these people remained behind instead of leaving to go to a place where life, in some aspects, would be easier for them, speaks for their commitment to this country and their belief in the U.S. way of life.

This is their home and the price they've already paid should be taken into account and honored. ... .html#more