Is asking for the truth too much to ask your president? That's all I'm asking for.

I care about people too, I want people to live well and to do well, to have freedom and opportunity.

But I hate injustice and to me it is the American people who are being treated so unfairly and unjustly when it comes to illegal immigration. President Bush does not even acknowledge the fact that an average of twelve U.S. citizens lose their lives each day as a result of illegal immigration. That is more than the number of troops killed in Iraq and some of these U.S. citizens are children. There are so many other negative effects and he will never acknowledge this honestly, nor will he ever admit the fact that the American people have a desire and a right to believe that the right way to come to the U.S. is the legal way.

I feel so angry already about his speech tomorrow because I know that he will downplay the effects on U.S. citizens or simply disregard it as if these issues which bother us regarding illegal immigration do not exist.

I know there will be nothing new tomorrow in what he says. I am sorry that so many Americans who are good people with big hearts who care very much about other people will be treated like you are the law-breaker or you are wrong for speaking out and saying that you are concerned about the negative effects illegal immigration is having on our country and for not wanting to see people who disregard our laws rewarded.

I am sorry that we will have to be shown such disrespect tomorrow by the president of our country. I do not know what it would take, if 9/11 was not enough to understand the importance of protecting our borders and to not reward people who have broken laws which exist to keep U.S. citizens safe and that includes children.

When he tells people who do not respect the laws of our country that he intends to reward them, he has to know that more and more people will be entering our country through the borders and over-staying their visas illegally. Why will they do this? Because they are being allowed to.

President Bush before you even start talking tomorrow, I want to tell you in advance that you are wrong and that millions of Americans will think that of you and will say that of you after your speech tomorrow.

I wish you would resign from office here in my country and go to Mexico where you would fit in perfectly with the corrupt and inept government of Mexico.

You are a tremendous disappointment to those voted for you, Democrat, Independent and Republican.

The citizens of this country at least deserve to have a leader who can speak the truth.