Tancredo respond to 60 minutes from his blog:

60 Minutes Report: Unfair and Unbalanced 12/13/05 3:33 pm
This past Sunday, 60 Minutes ran an Ed Bradley piece titled "More Migrants Dying to Get In." The title alone should be a tip-off: Instead of calling them "illegal aliens" or even "undocumented workers" (where did their documents go?), Bradley refers to them in the title and throughout the piece simply as 'migrants'.

Rep. Tancredo was interviewed for the piece, and appears to be the only person on our side who was contacted about securing the border. We knew from the show's preview, title, who Bradley talked to, and by Bradley's own admission that this was going to be a political hack piece which argued that we cannot secure our borders without an amnesty and guest worker plan.

For example, read this revealing introduction by Bradley on the "Reporters Notebook" on

Interviewer: So if more [border] security isn't the answer, according to [former Border Patrol' official Mark] Reed, then what will stem the tide of illegal immigration according to the experts you talked to?

Bradley: I think there are only two things that will stem the tide of illegal immigration. One is to go where illegal migrants are working and kick them out. And if you do that you're going to have a problem because those businesses need that labor, because many of them are doing jobs Americans don't want to do. And the other thing is to come up with some kind of effective guest worker program, which is the latest thing President Bush is proposing. I guess it's the largest guest worker program we've ever had. So if you're going to allow people to come in legally and work these jobs, then that's a way to resolve it.

We guess "fair and balanced" hasn't quite reached CBS News yet.

60 Minutes Follow-Up, Part II 12/14/05 12:05 pm
We owe a tip of the hat to the Denver Post’s Al Knight, who wrote a biting review of the 60 Minutes piece on illegal immigration:

Its aging cast of characters has always exuded a certain sense of authority about things in general. That formula was in full flower Sunday night when Ed Bradley devoted 20 minutes to illegal immigration, employing the arched-eyebrow journalism that is the program's trademark. That school of journalism, for those who haven't seen it, assumes that the viewer needs a lot of help in understanding complicated topics. The reporter's job is to use facial expression, body language and voice tone to make sure that the viewer knows when someone has said something profound or foolish…

The Bradley piece gave a brief opportunity to Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo to argue for better border security, but most of the report was devoted to showing that there really isn't much that can be done to lessen the impact of illegal immigration…

The superficial and even trivial coverage featured on "60 Minutes" won't count in the long run. Illegal immigration has become one of those topics that most Americans can see without even turning on their TV sets.