Press Release

LULAC National President Rosa Rosales and LULAC National Executive Director Brent Wilkes Available for Interviews Today on White House Meeting With Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano
Today, National President Rosa Rosales and National Executive Director Brent Wilkes of the League of United Latin American Citizens, the nation’s largest and oldest Hispanic civil rights organization will available for interviews following a White House meeting with other leading organizations on Immigration Reform lead by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

For LULAC’s position on Immigration please visit:


Action Alert: Campaign to Reform Immigration FOR America!

June 2, 2009

We have some big news.

This week, hundreds of allied organizations launched the campaign to Reform Immigration FOR America in cities all across the country -- from Los Angeles to Maine, Miami to Seattle. Yesterday, a broad coalition of allies from labor, business, and community groups officially kicked off the national campaign in Washington, DC. League of United Latin American Citizens is a part of this exciting grassroots movement to reform immigration, and we invite you to join us.

Thursday, over 700 advocates are descending on Capitol Hill to tell Congress:

"We cannot wait any longer. America needs to reform immigration now."

We can't afford to fly you out to DC to join them in person, but we can give you a 1-click way to be there on paper. Please take 30 seconds to send a (free) fax to your Senators, Representative, and Congressional leadership right now:

Then please forward this to friends and family. Our goal is to back up those 700 advocates on the Hill with 2,500 phone calls and 20,000 faxes.

Here's our thinking: President Obama has said reforming the immigration system is a priority for him. But it's going to take more than just having the President on our side to win. We need 279 votes to pass comprehensive immigration reform: 218 US Representatives + 60 Senators + the President's signature. So over the coming months, we're going to be asking you to help us flood Congress and the White House with faxes, calls, emails, and visits to say (each in our own way):

Our economy and thousands of families are suffering under the burden of a broken system. The time has come for just and humane immigration reform. We cannot wait any longer.

Together, we can make this happen.

-- Rosa Rosales, National President, League of United Latin American Citizens

Both rec'd via email