While I did not always agree with some of their opinions they are pretty much the only ones here that kept the illegal invasion out in the front! Now they are yanked off the air? Seems to me Riley and his cronies are behind this! I am posting this email here. Can you guys help and call the station? We cannot allow the only station in Birmingham that is fighting against illegal aliens to be silenced!

To all those who were/are under the impression that FREE SPEECH is alive in America.

I have received word this morning that my favorite morning talk show (in fact - it is the ONLY one I have listened to since arriving in TN - as any others I tried only made me want to take a nap) Russ & Dee out of Birmingham, AL http://www.voiceofalabama.com/ will no longer be heard on the station they have been on. Seems as how the POWERS THAT BE finally applied sufficient pressure to the station owners to release Russ & Dee from any further talk opportunities on the now unnamed station in Birmingham. It could be that Russ & Dee's constant exposure of the Riley lies and combine that with the strong stand they have taken against the ILLEGAL INVADERS and those who support them (by political cover, employment, or other aiding and abetting of the ILLEGALS) finally proved to be the push to remove them from the airways - especially with this election on the doorstep. We will never know for sure exactly how this occurred as the GUILTY will not admit to their dastardly deeds or their complicity with same.

I don't know if it will do any good to call the station and complain - but for those within the calling area it wouldn't hurt - but it will have to be more than 1 or 2 times and more than a couple days. Calling the sponsors of Russ & Dee's show to thank them for being there in the past and ask them if they would sponsor them if they go to another venue might help too. It will let them know that the station has done a big bad WRONG and you as consumers are not happy about it.

I am hoping to talk with Russ later and I offer my assistance in doing what can be done to get them back on the air - even if on an internet radio station only. We need to have talk hosts who don't bend over and lick their toes, while ignoring what is going on behind them. Russ & Dee have been and hopefully will continue to speak out and we need to find a way to make sure that happens.

I know that several on this list have internet radio programs - let me hear from you and I will pass it on to Russ & Dee for their consideration.