BREAKING NEWS!!!!......WH RAISES TERROR THREAT, warns illegals could flood the borders after sequester cuts

Posted by
Michael CHILDS, Admin II on February 26, 2013 at 1:44pm in Patriot Action Alerts

On Monday, the Obama administration warned that the nation could expect an increase in illegal immigration if the automatic budget cuts go into effect on Friday — the latest caution from the White House determined to turn up the flame on congressional Republicans.

President Obama has framed the choice as one between higher taxes or lower security, bolstered by Homeland Security Secretary
Janet A. Napolitano’s warning Monday that the U.S. Border Patrol will be forced to furlough agents, costing nearly a quarter of the workforce.

“I don’t think we can maintain the same level of security,” Ms. Napolitano said. “If you have 5,000 fewer Border Patrol agents, you have 5,000 fewer Border Patrol agents.”

But Republicans said the White House is setting up “a false choice” between tax increases and security. They said the other alternative is to make $85 billion in spending cuts in other parts of the budget, rather than the across-the-board cuts that make up the sequester. Read More:

What a tangled web of lies & deceit Big Sis spins....She knew about the thousands of assault weapons being sent by ATF to the Sinola Drug Cartel in Mexico...

She now has one of the largest budgets of ANY department, outside of defense...

DE-FUND Department of Homeland Security; before their tentacles are wrapped around our collective throats...

As I think about it, it appears from Obama's desperation and having to call in big sis to help that maybe he's lost this one.

The press will call it a victory for him but his masters will be upset with him.

He created the sequester and it's political damage isn't working. It appears the Magic N isn't so magic after all.

It's good for all to know his limitations, maybe many more will see his ineptness and the flaw in his armor and utilize it to their advantage.

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The administration has all but ended work-site enforcement actions and replaced them with paperwork audits.

When the audits determine that illegal aliens are on the payroll, employers are given the opportunity to fire them with little or no adverse consequence to the company, while no action is taken to remove the illegal workers from the country.

The illegal workers simply acquire a new set of fraudulent documents and move on to the next employer seeking workers willing to accept substandard wages.

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Is this the weakest argument ever. The American taxpayers are supposed to feel bad because criminals have no accommodations? This folly is the perfect illustration of manipulation of the American electorate.
"No pathway to citizenship should be contingent on more border enforcement measures," McCullough said Tuesday.

The pathway to citizenship provision faces a tough road in Congress, particularly in GOP-controlled House, where a number of conservative Republicans consider anything less than the deportation of illegal immigrants to be "amnesty" for law breakers.

"Amnesty means fewer jobs for legal immigrants and unemployed

Americans," Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), the former head of the House Judiciary Committee who now sits on the immigration sub-panel, warned last week.

"Remember 187 -- the Proposition to deny taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens -- was the last gasp of white America in California."

---Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party

Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Council "They're afraid we're going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They're right. We will take them over. . We are here to stay."

This is why America is DOOMED!!!!!!

BREAKING NEWS!!!!......WH RAISES TERROR THREAT, warns illegals could flood the borders after sequester cuts - Patriot Action Network