3 hours ago by Fred DeRuvo

The Problem Obama is Experiencing by Having to Answer to the Global Elite

Even though the Global Elite knows what it wants, getting it is not always easy. Just ask Barack Obama...

The ever-changing face of Obama continues. Last August 20, 2012, at a press conference that began at 1:27pm EDT, Mr. Obama responded to a question about Syria in the following manner:
"We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation."

I have bolded part of his response to show that he said "a red line" and "us" meaning himself or his administration. The red line being that if chemical weapons were deployed by Assad, he will have crossed that red line.

How much does the Global Elite really control?

Today, Mr. Obama stated,
"First of all, I didn't set a red line. The world set a red line. The world set a red line when governments representing 98 percent of the world's population said the use of chemical weapons are abhorrent and passed a treaty forbidding their use even when countries are engaged in war."
2nd Video at the Page Link:

Okay, let's say Mr. Obama is correct. He's not, but let's say, for the sake of argument, that he is correct in his assessment. Here's the problem. He originally stated that if Assad used chemical weapons, he will have crossed a red line. It doesn't matter if Obama or the world set that red line. By making the statement, Mr. Obama was in agreement with that and chose to use it as his compass. His current denial is nothing and doesn't really address the question.
If he chooses to not abide by that "red line," is he then saying that even though "98 percent of the world's population said the use of chemical weapons are abhorrent..." he will not follow that line of reasoning for himself? He is then in the remaining 2% of the population? It's absurd.
But let's look at something even more closely. According to the US Constitution, the President cannot declare war against another country. Congress has that power. Certainly, the president cannot send airstrikes or lob missiles into a country that is using chemical weapons unless that directly impinges on US sovereignty, and he only has that power due to the War Powers Act in the case of “a declaration of war by Congress; specific statutory authorization; or a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.” Jay Carney said he firmly believes that Syria's use of chemical weapons is a direct danger to the United States. He offers no proof of how that might be.
It is the same situation that occurred when George W. Bush was trying to rally support to attack Iraq. We heard about weapons of mass destruction, but we never found them. While it's true they may have been carted off to Syria before Bush was able to uncover them, the problem is that the same scenario existed with Bush. He did not have the Constitutional right to attack Iraq because of any perceived belief that one day, Iraq might light up the skies over America with nuclear arms. Yet, what happened? We went in and for what? Oil.
Ever since Nixon worked out a deal with the Saudis in 1971 to have the dollar backed by Saudi oil as a reserve currency, America has needed to stay involved in what's happening in the Middle East. This is one of the reasons we cannot be too friendly with Israel and we cannot come down too hard on the Saudis when situations warrant.
But the larger problem is that some of the wealthiest individuals in the world control oil. I'm not talking about the Saudis (though they are rich). I'm talking about members of the Global Elite like the Rockefellers. Standard Oil was first a Rockefeller company. After he was forced to sell the company (due to anti-monopoly laws), he owned quite a bit of stock in it and the sale of the company and the stock made him extremely wealthy. He, along with other elites, have spent their days adding to their wealth by looting other countries and controlling energy reserves.

The more I study, the more I realize that America was destined to go down the tubes since the late 1800s because the elite began gaining control of it within 100 years of its inception. During Woodrow Wilson's time as president, the Federal Reserve was created (by J P Morgan, Rockefeller, et al) and that pretty much began to seriously tear the Constitution. It's been downhill ever since.
The one thing that the elite has needed to do (which they have not been able to do, according to Dr. John Coleman), is to gain control of Russia, Syria, and China. Since Nixon worked out a deal with the Saudis, the elite controls what happens with their oil and America's dollar.
When Bush attacked Hussein, it was because the Global Elite wanted Hussein out. Bush succeeded, giving the elite more control over the oil fields of Iraq. The so-called Arab Spring was nothing more than the Global Elite toppling one dictator after another so they could gain control of that country. They then put a stooge in place (usually a Muslim Brotherhood puppet) to allow their continued control of that country's economy and politics.
When Qaddafi was ousted, not only is it believed that weapons of mass destruction were removed from Libya and taken to Syria (under cover of Benghazi via Ambassador Chris Stevens, which went horribly wrong), but it is also believed that much of the wealth of that country was simply looted by certain individuals. This seems to be the case every time the Global Elite goes into a country to remove someone. They like using America for this purpose under the guise of "spreading Democracy."
You see, what people like Obama have spent their lives hating America for - it's Imperialism resulting in a type of colonization - they eventually learn (if allowed) that it's all a smoke screen. Obama now knows that the Arab Spring was simply cover that allowed the elite to become even wealthier and position themselves better in the Middle East where the oil reserves are for most of the world.
The continued problem appears to be Syria. Syria is backed by Iran and Russia also stands in the gap for them. The Global Elite has not figured out how to gain control of these nations. Because of it, people like Obama appear to be in very awkward positions.
First, he says the red line is the use of chemicals. Then when other countries start backing out, Obama receives instructions from the Global Elite that says they might need to hold off for a bit. This leaves Obama out on the ledge, so he lies, using nuanced verbiage that appears to cover his rear, but really doesn't.
The Global Elite are strong. They are very powerful individuals, but with the Internet, the average person can find out the real truth about who gassed Syrian people. It appears as though it was the very rebels that we are supporting and Obama says are now the "good guys." Yet, he chooses to continue the charade that Assad did it. This is how he deals with every fiasco and scandal. He denies culpability by either outright denials, or by ignoring the truth.
If the Global Elite ever figures out how to gain control of Syria, Russia, and China, we will have entered the final phase of their plan for world domination. Yes, I know. It sounds like a preview or press release for an exciting new book or movie; an espionage thriller! It's not. It's reality and it's happening now.
Do you ever wonder why there are so many problems in the world now? Just in America, we are dealing with high unemployment, high inflation, high medical costs that will go higher once ObamaCare kicks in fully. Beyond this, racial tension is at an all-time high with Sharpton's rhetoric about all white people being racist or Jackson's argument that the Tea Party is the rise of the southern rebellion. We have terrible injustices throughout the world and across America. Why?
Why is all this happening?
Because all of these things keep our minds off the real problem. The real problem is that the Global Elite is doing its best to take control of all things and to squelch any opposition they encounter. It's far easier to do when people are fighting amongst themselves.
We'll be back next time with more on what might be coming and how we can prepare for it.
