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  1. #1
    swtncgram's Avatar
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Mamie's Avatar
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    Sweet Home Alabama
    this was an interesting post:
    The REAL reason the senate is considering citizenship!
    Immigration Reform
    Some say THIS is WHY the push is on in the Senate to pass immigration reform WITH a path to citizenship.

    Supreme Court Considers Use of RICO To Attack Hiring of Illegals ... 6051864053
    By Tony Mauro
    Legal Times
    April 26, 2006


    The Supreme Court could rule tomorrow - next week or next fall. The Senate 'Immigration' bill contains language providing 'AMNESTY' for prior acts by employers of illegal aliens.

    The Supreme Court could rule that the Federal Appeals Court ruling stands and if it does -- ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE.

    REPEAT: The current Senate bill has a provision that provides 'AMNESTY' for prior acts by employers of illegals. Under RICO, imagine the fines and sentences for heads of corporations like TYSON FOODS, PURDUE, MOWHAWK, etc. May 1 demostrations PROVED they WERE hiring illegal aliens.

    Makes you wonder if the American public are being blackmailed into accepting, in exchange for Border Security, a package that includes AMNESTY for BOTH the illegals and their employers, because, among other things, once a guest worker program is in place, the illegals are no longer illegal, and the employers are off the hook from threats of RICO lawsuits?

    The real reason for not building a fence on the border
    Members of Congress only care about themselves, not our country
    This Congress, which is supposed to listen to the people, is flagrantly ignoring the will of the majority of Americans who want a secure border In Isreal, the fence they built has effectively stopped about 95% of all the terrorist attacks on Isreali citizens. This is proof that a fence WILL work. Just what percentage of the people crossing our borders illegaly are terrorists, rapists and murderers? No one knows, yet we are assured that it must be a small percentage of illegals. How can they logically tell us that only a small portion of illegals are criminals or terrorists when they do not catch the majority of these people? That is just an arrogant assumption that most of these people are not criminals or terrorists.
    The reason they won't build a fence is that the members of our Congress have all sold thier souls to the devil in exchange for a bit of power in the coming New World Order/Kingdom of Satan world government, and are actively trying to make Canada, America and Mexico into one province of the New World Order.
    This is the same reason they won't outlaw abortion, as those high up in our government who secretly worship the devil will not allow anyone to put a stop to human sacrifice, which is exactly what abortion is. May God Almighty put a curse on all of them.

    Reservists To Carry the Load - Again
    Greater Burden Than Necessary For Reservists

    A clever twist in using our nation’s reservists for border patrol is making certain they don’t touch any guns. Do you know why? I do. I have an employee who just returned in January from a year in Iraq. The rules of the Oregon National Guard restrict him to 24 months of armed service in a 5 year period. (In 2004 ½ of those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan were reservists.) So even though he was called to active duty for 18 months, and served 1 year in Iraq, he can be called up again for border patrol as long as he is not packing iron

    So all those men and women who were pulled away from their lives, their families, and their jobs, and served honorably in the bogus invasion and occupation of Iraq, may now be pulled away from the lives once again.

    Oh, and did you catch what Bush wants them to do? “The Guard will assist the Border Patrol by operating surveillance systems, analyzing intelligence, installing fences and vehicle barriers, building patrol roads, and providing training. Guard units will not be involved in direct law enforcement activities -- that duty will be done by the Border Patrol.”
    "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana "Deo Vindice"

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    May 2006
    I can't say that I disagree with any of it. The New World Order theory is the only theory I can see that makes any sense out of all the treasonous behavior we have been seeing by our elected officials, black out of the mainstream media telling the truth, communists marching in the streets, all the threats of war from the illegals, Mexico basically telling the US how to run its domestic afairs, ratting out the minute men, tying the hands of the border patrol, etc.

    If you look into the background and theory of the New World Order then all of this insanity makes sense in that context. We are most definitely having a redistribution of wealth in this country. The middle class is bringing up the financial status of the illegal and the illegal is bringing down the financial status of the middle class. That is called communism, plain and simple.

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