This is going to be a Post from the Heart, my heart...I truely do Love this Country, and ALL it is supposed to stand for. I'm 45 years old and when I was young they taught us ALL the GOOD this Country has done,what it stands for, the Bill of Rights, The Constitution and ALL the Good Honest Americans who Died...For Us.
Today it is a fight just to get a curriculm in school to teach our children what we were taught to believe about America. I feel saddend by this because the Bill of Rights has not changed, for the most part neither has the Constitution. We have a two Party Political system that DEMANDS we follow one or the other. Your Liberal or your Conservative, nothing else, those are YOUR choices. In todays America, our Founding Fathers would weep in tears and ask WHY? Where is the Goverment OF THE PEOPLE? FOR THE PEOPLE? BY THE PEOPLE that we Founded? Why does this Congress, this President, this Supreme Court take orders from OTHER Nations? OTHER Goverments?
Where has THE VOICE of THE PEOPLE GONE? Does every American need an Attorney to LOBBY for him/her? Corporations seem to have NO PROBLEM being heard, neither do large organizations that have an agenda to better itself HURTING America and AMERICANS in the process.
It seems Money and Power is the theme of todays America and Damn Liberty!
So...AS AN AMERICAN, this is what I would like to see:
1. Term limits in ALL fascets of Goverment,including a 10 year limit on Supreme Court Justices.
2. To make Foreign and Corporate Lobbying Illegal. Make your Elected Represenative RESPONSIBLE to the people who elected them.
3. Close the BORDERS! Build the Fence. Deport those who DO NOT belong here,whether they are Irish, English, Fench, Canadian or Mexican, it does not matter.
4. Make it a Capital Offense for ANY Politician who is caught CHEATING THE PEOPLE!
5. Back to BASICS in school. On average we spend about 7 thousand dollars a year on our kids education. My simple fix is this:
A. We put in a voucher system AFTER THE START OF 7th GRADE.
B. Reading, Writting,Arithmetic and AMERICAN History will be a necessity to Graduate. Daily/Yearly until 12th Grade. Of that 7000.00 yearly spent per student, VOUCHERS will be issued for any subject beyond those 4 subjects. AFTER Graduation, any monies that remain for that individual may be used for College ONLY.
6. Keep Foreign Nations/People from BUYING UP AMERICA. Most notably American Land. As for Corporations, make it so an American/Americans hold the majority in that Company.

I am sure that I have missed alot, but those are the things that I would like changed...AS AN AMERICAN.