From an American citizen to illegal aliens.

Illegal immigration is a crime. Anyone who commits a crime is a criminal. In other words if you cross our borders illegally and work without proper documents to be here and work the punishment is deportation with your family.
We are a nation of laws and they do not apply to some but to all the people. We are long over due on enforcing our immigration laws. Just because you broke our immigration law 20 years ago does not give you any special privileges. When you broke that one law by crossing illegally or over staying your visa you are still subject to deportation. You and your child who is a citizen of your country. When you decided to stay you broke other laws, working, driving illegally, etc.
If you bought a home, establishes a business, had children, you knew that you were in this country illegal and you do not have the same rights as an American citizen. You have no right to protest and make demands on our government. Illegal alien or undocumented immigrant, it still means the same.
You cannot be expected to be rewarded with amnesty or be allowed to remain here just because you are here and may have a child who was born here and assumed to be an Americans citizen and an “anchor.”. This does not give you the right to remain here.
Be very afraid became you may be next to be deported.
If I know you are here illegally taking jobs from Americans, lowering their wages and taking advantage of services paid for by Americans citizens and using our roads and highways and natural resources. Just because you may be paying taxes that fund these services does not give you the right to be deserving of them. To pay taxes is a part of the price you have had to pay for working here illegally.
Be afraid be very afraid. ICE is finally doing their job and I will inundate them with calls and they will pick you up just to get me off their backs. Do not make the mistake of thinking you are needed here to fill jobs. I see it daily, you are being replaced by American workers. Business owners know their days are also numbered and if they are raided because of you, they lose big time and it is not worth it for cheap labor. You will go.
Illegals who protested last week, calling Bush a traitor has not right to do so. You feel “betrayed” by Bush? How do you think we have felt being betrayed by the likes of Kennedy and McCain?
Bush is president of the USA and not Mexico and his first alliance is to the American people who do not want amnesty.”Si, se puede” but it will not be done. Ex-President Fox and Calderon are your traitors and they are the ones you should be protesting against. If you had been in Mexico during the election you may have changed things for the better of the Mexican people. Just because you are here making businesses richer does not give you a right to demand how this country is being run.Bush is finally hearing and listening to the will of the American people.
No amnesty.
Return to your country and apply for re-entry and pay a real fine for breaking our immigration laws. It does not matter how many U.S. born babies you have, they will not be your anchor. The Z Visa will cost $3,500 each time for a 3 year permit. “Way to go Bush.” I never thought I would say that. Advocates for illegal immigration, Democrats, the Roman Catholic Church and unions that have many immigrants in their ranks argue the cost of work permits and the green card application, which could total more the $20,000 dollars, are prohibitive for low-wage earners. “If is obvious that Bush just wants to fund his Iraq war with our money”said Francisco Gomez who says for him and his wife it would cost about $30,000. Again I say “Way to go Bush.” Bush can use the money gained anyway he likes as long as it is not for amnesty. If you don’t like it, go home and stay. You are not needed here. If we have to, we can put prisoners to work doing the job you are doing.
Last years comprehensive Immigration plan passed by the senate was a joke and Bush realized that it was.
This is our country and we want it back and we are taking it back. This is not your country, Bush is not your president, not your senate and not your congress.