How long will this Country keep allowing the foreigners to live of welfare? Predominately Hispanics make up the "jackpot" babies and since they do not support themselves they think their freebies will continue indefinetely. Well, we've come to a time in this generation where we cannot keep silent anymore. Are we a nation of American fools or patriots?? This illegal alien problem is becoming an everyday subject in conversations accross our Country. Every day I hear more and more Americans talking about how they a fed up with supporting illegal aliens. What is the next step we need to take, because I am getting tired of talking about and waiting for our government to deal with this. That's the million dollar question that we need the answer to. Honestly I feel that American citizens are not being pro-active anywhere near enough, and seems like people are simply too afraid to do anything about it. We can continue to be displaced by illegal aliens or get down to business once and for all!! I really think we need to hold massive protests accross our Country and if not, we will just keep complaing between each other and get nowhere. If the illegals and supporters can scream and protest why aren't we? [/color]