We have a federal ,state, and city governments who are harboring illegal aliens and actually giving them sanctuary. If I rob a bank and you hide me under your roof to prevent the law from apprehending me, what happens? You get prosecuted for aiding and abetting. Assisting criminals (and anyone who breaks a law within our borders is a criminal) is against our laws. So for whatever reason, we have a whole lot of people breaking our laws.

"Any person who encourages or induces an alien to reside knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such residence is in violation of law, shall be punished as provided for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs fined under title 18 imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both."
Section 274 felonies under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 274A(a)(1)(A):
A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he:
* assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or
* encourages that alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or
* knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions.
Penalties upon conviction include criminal fines, imprisonment, and forfeiture of vehicles and real property used to commit the crime. Anyone employing or contracting with an illegal alien without verifying his or her work authorization status is guilty of a misdemeanor. Aliens and employers violating immigration laws are subject to arrest, detention, and seizure of their vehicles or property. In addition, individuals or entities who engage in racketeering enterprises that commit (or conspire to commit) immigration-related felonies are subject to private civil suits for treble damages and injunctive relief.
http://www.americanpatrol.com/REFERENCE ... C1324.html
Our elected American government officials, were elected for one reason, to represent Americans. We did not elect our American government officials to represent illegal foreign aliens that have entered our country, illegally.
President Bush should fire himself. He took an oath to the citizens of the United States not to the people from Mexico and other country’s who are here illegally.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Our Congress and the president refuse to uphold the Constitution, its laws and their oaths of office. Our elected officials from mayors to state governors are working against American citizens in greatest ‘invasion-without-guns’ takeover of our country.
Everyone of these elected men and women swore on a Bible to represent Americans and uphold the Constitution but many of these elected officials are in violation of their oath of office.
The United States government is acting like Third World leaders who ignore problems until they become irreversible. Our government by allowing illegals to overtake our country are inviting corruption, crime, child prostitution, and drugs to say the least. Thousands of them are killing, raping, robbing and driving illegally in our country, and costing American taxpayers nearly $1.6 billion to feed, house and care for them in our prisons. With the invasion of illegals the crime wave is beyond stopping, They take jobs or rob banks or set up drug, prostitution and theft rings and it’s growing worse in every American city. Yet our president and our government are blind to this, insisting these people are only coming for jobs, We are expected to be politically correct, and by doing this we are being forced to be the victims of our own silence. If our elected federal, state and city governments refuse to listen to the American people and grant these illegals amnesty, pass the guest worker bill and refuse to close our borders, another 9/11 is just around the corner.