I want to know how many of these organizations are receiving government grants and funding.

Para esta llamada a acción en español, vaya a este link.

No Work, No Shopping on May Day:

In the Streets Against the Attacks on Immigrants, Unions, and All WorkersFind a May 1st action in your community and mobilize your co-workers, friends, and family to join you.

Imagine a world without workers.

You enter a grocery store to find the shelves lay bare with no one to pick, transport, or stock the food. You wait helplessly in the hospital with no one to care for you. School buses sit idle and classrooms empty. Fires burn without end.

Without workers, there is nothing.

Despite their need for our labor, the large corporations and their politician friends are doing nothing but demonizing unions, immigrants, and all workers. We’re losing our jobs, getting our hours cut, watching our opportunities diminish, and we are criminalized based on the country where we were born. The racist show-me-your-papers law in Arizona is expanding around the country. Governor Walker’s extremist attack on public union workers in Wisconsin has become the model for states nationwide. The elites on Wall Street plunged the economy into crisis, decimating jobs and evicting families from their homes. But instead of paying for their crimes, the corporate executives looted hundreds of billions of dollars from hard-working taxpayers to enhance their profits and their multimillion-dollar bonuses.

Finally, the resistance is here.

In Tunisia, the self-sacrifice of a street vendor sparked the rage of a nation. The movement born of garment workers struggling for fair pay and dignity toppled a seemingly invulnerable dictator in Egypt. With revolution spreading abroad, working families in Wisconsin have shown the nation that the sense of self-worth and fighting spirit of U.S. workers is alive and well. And who can forget 2006 when millions of immigrant workers and their allies poured into the streets from coast to coast with great spirit and energy to make May Day real again in the United States after decades of slumber.

For May Day 2011, there is only one just response to the escalating attacks on working families.

Everyone in the streets, No Work and No Shopping, for “A Day Without Workers“! We demand: the right to organize for all; legalization for all; good jobs for all; and an end to the attacks on public and private sector unions.

Find a May 1st action in your community and mobilize your co-workers, friends, and family to join you.
Share your local May 1 action if it is not already listed.

This call to action has been issued by May Day United, a national network of worker and community-based organizations promoting dynamic actions on May 1st, 2011 for jobs with dignity and true equality.

•American Dream Community Agency/Centro de Legalizacion
•Angeles Sin Fronteras
•Applied Research Center
•Arise Chicago
•Bay Area MDS [Movement for a Democratic Society] (Concord, Richmond, Oakland, & Vallejo sub chapters)
•Beacon Hill Foundation, Tulsa
•Brandworkers International
•CATA – Comite de Apoyo a los Trabajadores Agricolas /
•Centro Guatemalteco Tecun Uman
•Chinese Progressive Association, San Francisco
•Comité Laboral Sisa Pakari
•Farmworker Support Committee
•Center for New Community
•Committee Honoring los Maestros de los 40 Años/Pueblos en Movimiento
•DVC SDS [Diablo Valley College, Students for a Democratic Society]
•Filipinas for Rights and Empowerment-Gabriela USA
•Food Chain Workers Alliance
•Fuerza Mundial Secretariat/Communications
•International Labor Rights Forum
•Industrial Workers of the World (NYC-GMB)
•IWW (Grand Rapids General Membership Branch)
•IWW (Reno General Membership Branch)
•IWW (Tacoma General Membership Branch)
•IWW (Washington DC General Membership Branch)
•Jornaleros Unidos
•La Nueva Raza
•Lansing Workers Center
•La Raza Centro Legal/SF Day Labor Program
•LCLAA, San Diego and Imperial Counties Chapter
•Long Island Jobs with Justice
•May 1st Action Coalition, Seattle
•May Day United NC Network
•Million Workers March
•Movement of Action Inspiring Service (MAIZ), San Jose, CA
•Movimiento de Trabajabores Independientes
•Movimiento Migrante MesoAmericano
•Napa Valley College SDS
•National Lawyers Guild
•National Lawyers Guild, Fordham Law School Chapter
•National Lawyers Guild Chapter at the University of North Carolina School of Law
•National Lawyers Guild Labor & Employment Committee
•New York Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (NYCHRP)
•New York May 1st Coalition for Worker and Immigrant Rights
•Northwest Arkansas Workers’ Justice Center
•Oyate “The Peoples’ Landâ€