By John W. Lillpop

The U.S. Supreme Court appears to be on a "common sense, rule of law" roll which is good news for American citizens, not so good for illegal aliens and Democrats who hate rule of law.

As reported at the reference, in part:

It appears that last month’s Supreme Court ruling upholding Arizona’s E-Verify law will precipitate a potent counteroffensive against the illegal immigration judicial defense industry.

In light of the Court’s 5-3 decision validating the right of state and local governments to impose penalties on employers who hire illegal aliens, the high court vitiated a ruling against a similar ordinance passed by government officials in Hazleton, Pennsylvania.

In 2006, following a sharp spike in violent crime perpetrated by illegal aliens, Mayor Lou Barletta (now a Republican congressman) signed an ordinance prohibiting landlords from renting to illegals and employers from hiring them. Under the Hazleton Immigration Relief Act, renters and employers who failed to verify the immigration status of renters and employees would face fines or suspension of business and rental licenses. This law was the impetus for dozens of subsequent efforts by states and municipalities to curb their growing illegal immigration problem.

Today’s ruling is a very salient victory for supporters of our sovereignty and the rule of law. Hazleton was one of the earlier battlegrounds in the fight against illegal immigration and has inspired many other local governments to complete the job that the federal government refuses to do.â€