This is what I wrote Idaho Senators on tuition for illegal aliens and the responses I received today.

Dear Senator______

I hope the Idaho Senate is not considering the Idea that Idaho taxpayers should be paying for the higher education of illegal aliens...You are suppose to be protecting Idaho residence Tax funds not giving our money away to people who should not be in this state in the first place....Consider your vote carefully and remember you represent the people (Legal Residence, Taxpayers) of Idaho when doing so.

Responses to my letter to Idaho Legistatures concerning in state tuition
I know ICAN is trying to get the legislature to support this. I am sure that it will not be supported by the Idaho Legislature. Our students cannot get instate tuition in neighboring states so why give it to those who are not citizens.
Thank you for writing.
Senator Patti Anne Lodge
We are in total agreement on this issue. Thanks for your input.

XXXXX- The bill will be granted a print hearing today. I have been doing a lot of research on the issue and believe that I can kill the bill at the print hearing. Understand that it is being endorsed by more people than ICAN and that Senator Schroeder, a committee member, agreed to have the bill drafted. If it does get printed, I will do what I can to never give it a hearing.

As to illegal immigration in general, Idaho continues to nibble away at the issue. Last year, we barred them from Health and Welfare types of benefits. I agree with that employers, including homeowners that use them for odd jobs, ought to be severely fined for paying them. If they couldn't make money in the US or get services, they would no longer have a reason to be here.

John Goedde
Thank you for your recent correspondence. I have received your message, and I will make every effort to send you a reply if you reside in my legislative district. If you do not reside in my legislative district, I typically do not respond, but I do value the opinions of all Idahoans.

Senator Tim Corder
District 22


Thanks for your email. I cannot imagine any scenario where the Legislature
of the state of Idaho would support this concept. I certainly will not.

Sen. John McGee

Please be aware that I will not support this type legislation and I doubt
many of my colleagues will. Currently there is no bill that would propose
such an idea.
Best wished,
Senator Hammond


Dear XXXXX: I am in the House and don't always know what's going on in the Senate. Taxpayers should not pay for the higher education of illegal immigrants. I'll check this out first chance I get. Thanks for contacting me.

Lenore Barrett

__________________________________________________ __________

I agree with you.
Russ Fulcher