Rep. Mack came out against SB 1070 like he was an open borders amnesty supporting ally of Harry Reid and Luis G*&#(@_@)@&. Now he wants to be Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee. Wow! We cannnot let this happen or we will end up with another Reagan style amnesty in the name of the gipper!

What do you think should all of us with Republican Representatives call and demand that they not support Connie Mack for the Chairmanship he is seeking? ... looks-move

NOVEMBER 04, 2010

Congressman Connie Mack, R-Fort Myers, wants to move up the ladder in the new GOP majority. Mack said today he'll run for chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee.

“The American people spoke loud and clear on Tuesday," Mack said. "They are tired of the Big Government policies of the last several years, and they want a return to the principles that make our nation strong: limited government, personal freedoms, and free-market ideals."

A copy of the letter Mack sent to colleagues is below:
Dear Colleague:

I am writing today to humbly seek your support to be your next Republican Policy Committee Chairman.

This was a tremendous election in which the American people removed the shackles of big government, and restored themselves as the true source of our nation’s power.

The Obama Administration’s failed policies have reawakened America’s eternal belief that freedom is the core of all human progress. And they want conservative policies and conservative leadership dedicated to meaningful change. Now that we have been granted a second chance to lead, we must not fail. The RPC will be the tip of our Conference’s spear. As Chairman, I will lead this invigorated, motivated committee of men and women who share my goal of advancing freedom, security, and prosperity.

What Tuesday proved is that our citizens demand a limited, more accountable government, and that they will not hesitate to vote for change. Our nation has been energized by conservative patriots, who feel that their ideas have not been given due consideration. We must harness the energy of our country, and our Conference, by channeling it into the thoughtful policies that will put our nation back on the road to prosperity.

My vision for the Republican Policy Committee is simple. The RPC must become the cultivator of conservative ideas. If elected Chairman, this is how I intend to make the vision a reality:

Many Voices, One Goal: With a new majority, an influx of freshman, and an informed public, it is vital that the RPC be a place where everyone’s voice is heard in order to craft the legislation that advances the goal of giving the people the government they want. RPC meetings must be a collaborative effort.

Leadership Integration: For too long, the RPC has been a stand-alone organization where good ideas get lost in the ether. Under my leadership, I will fully integrate the RPC into the Conference leadership to ensure that our policies have the best chance to flourish.

Repeal Congress: Americans have rejected the liberal, big government burdens that have been heaped upon them. As Chairman, I will work tirelessly with you to formulate policies that successfully repeal the failed, unwanted ideas of the past.

Outside Perspectives: This election has demonstrated once again that those who do not listen will be defeated. We lost the majority four years ago when we lost our ability to listen. The Democrats lost Tuesday for the same reason. To ensure that the RPC keeps its ear to the ground, I will host monthly forums with members of the media, industry, and citizen groups. Varied perspectives will enhance our efforts to fulfill our duty to our nation.

Core Principles: The RPC must work towards our future, while maintaining a firm understanding of our past. Making the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts permanent, securing our borders, and supporting our allies around the world are just a few of the principles that make our Conference what it is. As Chairman, I will work with you to turn these ideas into achievements.

It goes without saying that we live in a time of great challenge and change. The eyes of our fellow Americans are on us like never before. The people are demanding and deserve serious conservative leadership to solve our problems.

I will consider it an honor and a blessing to earn your support.


Member of Congress