Ever heard the expression Keep them barefoot and pregnant?

We all know what it implies.

How many Americans are still cooperating in their own repression and demise?

Politicians and those who control them have succeeded in keeping Americans convinced that they must accept Globalization, out sourcing, and 12-20 million illegal foreign nationals or lose.

Lose what? To whom?

Accept the Spin and drivel and we will lose far more than we will gain.

We will lose our sovereignty. We will lose our country. We will lose our way of life.

298 million Americans have tremendous unused power.

Now is the time to exercise that power before we lose the means to do so!

Everywhere you turn you hear the catch phrase Global Economy!

Is globalism the new religion?

Americans are buying the hype. Say it with authority. Say it often enough and people begin to believe it.
Is it really wise to accept everything you hear without bothering to think for yourself?

We must compete in a global market! We will be left behind!

We must invade Iraq! We must out source jobs!

We must allow Dubai to provide security for our ports!

We must allow Dubai to oversee plants and factories making parts for weapons!

We must open our doors to 12-20 million illegal aliens!

We must have guest workers!

We must do this and we must do that.

We cannot become Isolationists! Hold on!!!

What exactly does that mean, Isolationist?

Try Nationalist.

If we put America and the American people first who wins?

If we behave as Nationalists then What?

What dire fate awaits us if we protect our sovereignty, our country, our productivity, our jobs, our security, and our way of life?

Did it ever occur to you to think for yourselves? A lot of effort has been expended to prevent you doing just that.

Let's play What if......

What if..... America placed the emphasis on the production of American goods and products and demanded quality?

What if..... 298 million Americans began buying American products instead of foreign products especially Chinese?

What if..... America stopped out sourcing American jobs?

What if..... America taxed goods from other countries in direct proportion to the tax those countries levy on American goods?

If 298 million Americans bought American our economy would soar.
If Americans demanded quality products and produced them in America our economy would soar.

If America stopped buying cheap goods from China. China would have a problem.
If America stopped out sourcing jobs to India, Asia, Mexico and South America. Those countries would have a problem.

If America secured it’s borders and ports, made it’s own armament parts, and did not allow foreign ownership of Airlines, other sensitive operations and limited foreign ownership of strategic American land and properties then America would be safer and so would we.

Americans are intelligent and savvy enough to realize that prices and the cost of living index will adjust accordingly and naturally in direct proportion to increased wages and benefits.

America must institute a controlled and curtailed immigration policy that treats all other countries equally and allows for gradual introduction and assimilation into our society and culture.
A policy that will focus on what America needs as opposed to what other countries want.
Such a policy complete with health and criminal background checks is acceptable provided the intent of that immigration is not to undermine or in any way harm American citizens.

The key words here are Curtail, Control and Assimilation to ensure that too many, from one country at one time would never present a problem for this country in the future.

If politicians truly placed the Americans they serve first, they would tax and regulate business interests impartially and appropriately. They would make hiring illegal aliens and outsourcing an expensive alternative to decent wages and benefits for their own countrymen.

Corporations would no longer be in charge of America nor would they control the foreign policy of this country.

If corporations want to move their businesses to a Third World Country that is their choice.
I will wave the American flag and wish them a cheery GOODBYE!

Third World countries do not have stable environments.

Third World countries do have rampant crime rates.

Third World countries do have officials who are far more corrupt and
violent than their American counterparts.

Third World countries do have a system of exorbitant bribery and extortion plus they like to kidnap rich executives.

Whether corporations move or not is irrelevant. That bears repeating...........

Whether corporations move or not is irrelevant!!!!!

298 million Americans is far too attractive a market to be neglected and rules and regulations may be a new concept for greedy businessmen but with a market of 298 million they will cope.

God gave us a brain and he didn't give it to us for someone else to play with!!!