USCIS director Emilio Gonzalez announced the test for citizenship will cover more civic issues, thus making it more difficult. He also announced the cost for applying will go up to $400. DOES IT REALLY MATTER?! If you aren't going to enforce the immigration laws or our borders, WHO CARES! You could raise the cost to $1000 and make the test on trigonometry, or make it free and make the test a color-by-number! They'll still sneak in!
If you need a bandaid, please report to every capital building in the Union, including DC. That is all they are doing. There is a gaping, gushing hole in our immigration policy and they want to cover it with bandaids, and lots of them. I think it is more of a brown recluse bite. You know, if you get bitten by one of them, the venom just eats away at your skin, slowly and in a nasty, puss-filled way. Bandaids won't get rid of it. You have to take antibiotics and dig out the nasty core if you want to heal from it. Sounds gross!
What are the bandaids? Guest-worker programs and amnesty, which are basically one in the same. What are the antibiotics? Fines for employers, no benefits for illegals, police enforcement, English as the official language, border lockdown, fines for landlords, etc. Do we have those antibiotics in our nation's capitals? Paging common sense. Paging law enforcement.