Last year I went in and made a total female dog of myself in the public library...they were going to put the index to the location of books in Spanish. I went and made a total jerk of myself-didn't cuss but raised my voice and was aggressive without threatening violence. The "politically correct" library worker tried to corner me in an abstract way as if only the "white majority" cares about "English only" in public....but I explained (truthfully) that almost every black I've talked to has the same issue with language, that we all speak the same language though some of us have a different way of speaking it. I indicated that I was half Hispanic and that my family believes in assimilation and that everyone knows how to speak English. I presented a united front while she tried to divide according to race to shut me up. I also stated that if it were a Native American language I would not take offense. Irritated, she said both English and Spanish indexes would be put out there...but it's been a year and I'm only seeing the English index...the Spanish one was nowhere to be found. And I called up and complained to Scott Tissues (the toilet paper company) about their colored toilet paper being not only bilingual but the Spanish emphasized over English on the packaging on this all-American company's labeling as if it were an imported product. The woman taking the message sounded ticked off that I had complained. But now it's been awhile since I've seen the colored toilet paper at all (that's too bad but I'd rather not see it at all than have to see what I saw on the lableing), and the plain white paper now only has a tiny warning on the back of the packaging in Spanish and everything else is in English-not perfect but it looks like my voice counted for something. If enough of us act as jerky demanding our rights as the Latino seperatists do demanding their "rights" then perhaps the establishment will listen! The trick is to not care who you offend....just provide a united front and don't threaten violence...but do be aggressive (I mean "in your face") because that's what our opponents are doing.