O'Malley prefers 2-license system for Maryland
Published 04/01/09

ANNAPOLIS (AP) — Aides to Gov. Martin O'Malley say he prefers House of Delegates legislation that would set up a two-license system for Maryland, but would also sign a Senate bill that denies licenses to illegal immigrants.

In the House of Delegates bill, illegal immigrants would not be able to get new Maryland IDs after the law takes effect. Those who already have Maryland IDs, however, could renew their licenses and receive cards that would look different from other licenses and couldn't be used to board planes or enter federal buildings.

O'Malley spokesman Shaun Adamec said the governor believes "there are legitimate arguments for either bill," but he sees the House version "as a more practical, reasonable solution."

Maryland is one of four states that issues licenses to illegal immigrants.

http://www.hometownannapolis.com/news/g ... tml#cfirst

Shouldn't it be considered aiding and abetting if our state knowingly gives illegal aliens a "special identification card" that allows them to remain in our state?

I am outraged.

If a cop pulls over someone and they show this "special" license, shouldn't they be able to call ICE immediately? Or do we just come to the realization that Maryland is a sanctuary state for illegals?