I caught the end of a Spanish Univision report on this raid in Arkansas the other day where many of the illegals denied they had any kids. One woman was saying they were so afraid that they just denied they had any.

Get this....one woman, who has 7 KIDS was released and told to show up in court.....she does not know why she was released cause I guess the rest are getting the boot! Only because she has 7 kids is what she thinks?

They talked to one man whose wife is getting deported and they have a one year old. The fellow said she does not want to return to the US after all this and I think GOOD! This is exactly what ICE should be doing and I don't give a damn if NC farmers need MEXICANS to pick their tobacco or anything else!

Again, I have seen the poverty of Latin America! My wife's 3 neices were suffering from malnutrition when I met them 2 years ago in Bogota, Colombia but we simply CANNOT let 100 million poverty stricken illeterate people into our country...if they would pick cotton or apples or corn or whatever and would go HOME after the harvest is OVER I might not care BUT THEY ain't going home! This is the problem!

At the end of this program they showed the apartment in Arkansas where one of these families live...typical Los Angeles type dwelling I saw in the early 90's....10 or 12 people mainly kids hangin around speaking Spanish
and the parents are illiterate campesinos......I feel sorry for them when they are IN MEXICO or COLOMBIA but what right do they have to destroy our social services and programs..public schools etc? I don't understand this? I guess ICE is going to take some of the 30 kids to the border to give to family members....GOOD! Enough is Enough!