I am in the process of causing Senator Kennedy a little trouble and I love it.

My conversation started off with a Kennedy staffer singing the praises of Kennedy's compassion. That didn't sit well we me so I went into the Hispanic groups and the Chamber of Commerce writing the S9 bill. He denied it. I ignored that and asked him who was writing the bill for the 80% of Americans who don't want citizenship for illegals, who want attrition thru enforcement, etc... I then said, "And the Democratic Party is supposed to represent the average middle class American and now they are in bed with the Chamber of Commerce?"

He tried to talk over me and the conversation disintegrated into the following examples:

The staffer told me that we did have enough land to support 100 million new citizens--"Haven't you ever heard of Montana?" Yes, I have, I live in Idaho and we're getting Californians who are fleeing the overcrowding of their state.

I said we cannot support them fiscally either because when chain migration occurs their won't be enough jobs. He then stepped in it. He said "Ma'am, we have the lowest unemployment ever, 4.4%." I said exactly, so all these family members will have to be on public assistance and you and your children will be broke paying for it. He said he'd gladly give his paycheck for these poor people. (What a guy!)

I know a few influential people in Missoula and others who know half of Missoula, and I'm telling them to watch out: Teddy has big plans to put the illegals in their state when they get amnesty and I'm encouraging them to call Teddy's office and say "not in our state you don't".

Kennedy's not going to change his position so I thought I'd at least create a little mischief for him.

I've also armed them with info on CIR