Un frickn believable! This is near Chicago folks what the heck are the illegals doing up there?

I understand that these border jumping criminals with their "legal"!? companions and a bunch of do nothing brain washed liberals will be protesting not only in Auroa IL but also across the nation. on May 1st. Why are we letting this happen....WE ARE the CITIZENS of this country not them!

This is not a racial thing or maybe it is since...oh my goodness...duh...we are north of Latino descent people so our illegal immigrants are Latino.
If we lived in France (god forbid) then we would be concerned about Germans, Italians, Russians, and Pakastanis since...duh, those border France.
It drives me to rage when those brain-washed little socialist from UNC or any college say that we are "racially profiling therefore we are racist".
Personally, I don't give a flying flip what they think and they want to call me racist then by God do it. I rather be a racist that loves my country and believe in the Constitution and to fight for my liberties then allow a bunch of drug dealing, social tax burden, criminals take over my country.
That's our problem folks we are all to blame here. We have allowed political correctness to stiffle our voice and our intentions. We have been conditioned to be accommodating and tolerant but now it may be too late and unless we literally "fight" for our country not only for stopping illegals but also to stop social democracy from taking over.
I just get so tired of it and helpless....We can go to thousands of Tea Parties but unless we truly march up to Washington and drag those liberals out on their ears we will continue to be a slave to this corrupt government and continue to lose our freedoms and our country.

Having said this....If there are any folks in Auroa or Chicago area then you guys need to contact the town council and band together to have a counter protest.
Are "we" planning to counter protest??? We should!!!