Living in California doesn't help. Everyday they are reporting on the news that California is broke!...Of course the cost of supporting millions of illegal immigrants and their children never comes up...Also thanks to the idiots in the California state legislature who couldn't control their over spending.

Thanks to the cost of all the millions of bad sub-prime loans, the whole country is now broke. With unemployment growing and everybody wondering whether they are going to lose their own job, it's getting really scary out there. I've been noticing alot more local businesses shutting down... I have two grown children and a son and law, and all three have been telling me they are afraid of losing their jobs...My daughter is a school teacher and her husband is a computor programmer and both are scared of getting laid off...My son is an auto tech repairman and he tells me things are really slow, people just aren't fixing their accident damaged cars much anymore. They are taking the insurance money instead of fixing their cars. I feel bad for my son, he bought a house last year with a 20% down payment he saved. Now he fears whether he will even have a job to pay the mortgage.

I'm angry at the government for causing this whole economic mess... I wonder if we will ever recover from it?