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North American Union- Parts 1-4
Contributed by: Kevin Parkinson

Canada and NAFTA – Part 1

While public attention has been drawn to the wars in the Middle East, the AIDS epidemic and poverty around the world, here in Canada and North America there are other, more subtle and secretive events taking place.

Twenty years ago the Canadian public decided to accept Brian Mulroney over John Turner, thereby setting the wheels in motion to implement NAFTA which marked the beginning of the loss of Canadian sovereignty, and the beginning of the corporate takeover of this country. Mulroney asked for a mandate and told the people they wouldn’t recognize the country in four years; unfortunately and sadly he was right.

Twenty years later we wake up to find that American corporations have taken advantage of privatization regulations, and are calling the shots at every turn. Locally, we lost Cornwall Electric, a huge, guaranteed investment for the citizens, to private enterprise. Our gas supplier, Union Gas is owned by Duke Energy of North Carolina. The multinational corporations and banks have become so wealthy that they control the government, which means that most decisions are based on profits, not people.

You have only to look at the retail mix in Cornwall to see the fallout of companies that have been driven into the ground by the “Walmartization” of the economy. Lower wages, no benefits, fewer hours, no pension plan and no job security are what we have acquired in the past 20 years since we were sold out by the Conservative government.

The Agape Centre has stated that more working people are now using its food and other services than ever. It doesn’t surprise me. These huge corporations that make millions of dollars in profits are underpaying working people. The middle class in Canada is also disappearing and will soon become a topic for the history books.

Our course, some people argue that privatization is a good thing and that we should welcome the corporate investment; however, the truth is that the huge profits are always funneled to the top levels, to the people who are already well heeled, while working people are finding their buying power decreases every year. Wages simply do not keep up with inflation.

So, what the NAFTA agreement has really done is allow the United States to gain control of the Canadian economy, so much so, that we really have become their indentured slaves. Since 1990, direct foreign investment has doubled in
Canada, so in fact, with every passing year we become more and more economically dependent on the United States.

We have so to speak, put all of our eggs in one basket. A resource-rich country like Canada should have concentrated on becoming more self sufficient, and could have created trade agreements with other countries, so that we could not be held to ransom by the United States. But we didn’t do that.

An example of the kind of control that United States has over Canada because of NAFTA is the “proportional sharing” provision in chapter 6. A fixed portion of our energy supplies are guaranteed to the United States for all time, including 65% of our oil and 61% of our natural gas which we currently export to the U.S. Even in the event of a national crisis in Canada, we would be obligated to supply this huge amount of our energy to the United States. That’s precisely the loss of sovereignty that our politicians refuse to discuss.

As former Vice President Al Gore remarked in January 2006, the recent federal election in Canada was partly about the tar sands projects in Alberta, and the tar sands project entrepreneurs wanted to protect their interests. So it comes as no surprise that they provided plenty of financial support to the Conservative government in return for continued “cooperation.”

Further articles on Canada’s future in North America will look in more detail at political, cultural and military aspects of the ongoing ‘deep integration’ with the United States and Mexico.
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Building a North American Community- Part 2

Whereas the past 20 years have been dedicated to free trade and the economic stranglehold of the United States over Canada, as illustrated in a previous article, the present situation is becoming bleaker. We are being brought in to a even tighter orbit with our southern neighbours.

According to people such as Maude Barlow, David Orchard and Professor Michel Chossodovsky, the overall plan is to integrate Mexico, United States and Canada into the North American Union. Canada as a country will still exist, but will be unrecognizable to its former self.

Using September 11, 2001 as a pretext to bring about a loss of freedom and a police state environment, the United States trashed its Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Much has been written about the draconian Patriot Act and the treatment of every American citizen as a potential terrorist. Unfortunately, the deceit and tyranny of the American government has impacted Canada.

Our dependency on Canada-U.S. trade means that we have been forced to conform to the priorities of the Americans. Our military and security policies are in line with theirs, and our personal and financial information is being accessed at border crossings. There is tremendous pressure on our government to support the U.S. war agenda, and to become entrenched in the oil and drug wars of the Middle East while sustaining huge increases in defense spending. This unprecedented change in Canadian political priorities has been accomplished with no discussion or legislation in the House of Commons.

You will remember the attention that the media gave to the meeting of the “Three Amigos” in March, 2005 with Bush, Harper(in military jacket) and Fox rubbing elbows. However, the media was silent on the details of that meeting. Deep integration between Canada, Mexico and Canada is being carried out secretly, but where are the details? How will we be effected?

The Council of Foreign Relations has recently published a document entitled ‘Building a North American Community,’ which is the blueprint for the merging of Canada, United States and Canada into one superstate/trading bloc. The CFR document calls for a common security border perimeter
around North America by 2010, along with free movement of people, commerce and capital!

The CFR website presents the body as an independent, non partisan organization but this is a clever ploy to disguise information that will eventually be incorporated fully into political reality. Our former deputy prime minister, John Manley, is the Chair of the committee that produced this document, so it is no wonder that with this type of baggage, he decided not to run for leader of the Liberal party in Canada. He could have become another Mulroney: a Prime Minister working with the Americans to strip Canada of all of its sovereignty- a complete sellout!

In his introduction to the above document Manley talks about a “North American border pass with biometric identifiers” by the year 2010. Not one politican has stood up and mentioned anything about this to the Canadian people and I’m sure the politicians are still in denial. But if you read the newspaper headlines, you know that ‘passports’ are a huge topic at the moment, with neither Canada nor the United States clear about its direction.

Passports are a big problem. They are expensive and unnecessary for travel to United States and Mexico. Most people would agree to this and the reaction from people has been outrage. But you see, if we were all part of a North American Union, we would simply need a ‘pass’ to travel freely, so maybe that would be a good solution?

You can see the argument that’s going to be used here. Become part of this ‘union’ and forget about a Canadian passport. It will solve all of your problems. The only trouble is you will have to forget about Canada too, because our country will be no more than a name on a piece of paper.

It gets worse. When we join Northcom, a joint military protection command, we will lose the control of our borders and our airspace to the United States. The bi-national agreements will allow U.S. troops and special forces to enter Canada, according to University of Ottawa Professor, Michel Chossudovsky. Canadian citizens will be subject to arrest by US officials acting on behalf of their Canadian counterparts, and vice versa. All of this might make an interesting piece of fiction if it were not true and verifiable.

Moreover, Cornwall is located on the US border, and we have been promised a spanking new, state-of-the-art, comprehensive police station in our north end, at McConnell Avenue and Tollgate Road. You may have heard about that from a Conservative Press Conference. But that’s about all the information we have.

The Standard Freeholder has tried to obtain updates about the plans for this building, but the powers that be are not ready to tell us yet. The Freeholder story did mention that there would be American police officials stationed there so they could work more effectively with their Canadian counterparts. I guess telephone and e-mail contact don’t measure up any more. We need them here, on Canadian soil.(or perhaps, North American soil)

A future story will outline some more aspects of the upcoming North American Union, and what measures the Americans have already taken, including the beginnings of a huge ‘NAFTA’ highway that will stretch from the Mexican border to the province of Manitoba.

If you know about Michael Moore, you might remember the title of one of his books: “ Hey Dude, Where’s My Country?”

That’s what I’m thinking.
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Confronting the North American Union- Part 3

Prime Minister Harper’s new regime has been completely transparent in its enthusiasm for U.S. domestic and foreign policy. His government has: abandoned Kyoto, made reference to Canada’s “activist judges,” resumed the attack on gay marriage and barred reporters from photographing caskets returning with dead Canadians from Afghanistan. He now ends his speeches with “God bless Canada,” a Republican sounding idiom.

With our government now firmly pro-American, the absorption of Canada into a North American Union is being done by committee, with absolutely no public awareness, participation or feedback. This gives a whole new meaning to the word ‘democracy.’ Essentially, we are being denied our democratic right to participate in the future of Canada as our sovereign country, in what will be the most catastrophic political event since Confederation.

It means that 139 years of Canadian tradition and history will come to an end. The scheme is nothing more than a wicked conspiracy to move the world closer to a New World Order. It’s almost unbelievable that in 4 years, by 2010, it will be a fait accompli!

Here are just a few of the changes that we can expect in the North American Union, as reported by the Council on Foreign Relations. These are not simply idealistic recommendations on paper; many are being rolled out now with almost no public knowledge.

The United States will be dissolved as an independent nation, and will allow Mexican aliens free access to America’s land and resources. As the statistics show, an amazing 20,000,000 Mexicans are living in the United States illegally, and the Bush administration is doing no more than paying lip service to the issue.
With the creation of the North American Union this problem will disappear overnight. The borders, even as we are being brainwashed to believe need increased levels of security, will be erased overnight. The Border Patrol will eventually be eliminated. The fear and panic regarding U.S. borders since 9/11 has been another sham, particularly evident now with the impending elimination of borders.

A North American parliament will take over the governance of the continent, in much the same way that it has happened with the European Union. In Europe, a non-elected committee rules the union, whose laws supersede the laws of its member states. That means that the laws of the European Union would trump the laws of France, Germany or any other member state. A gigantic superstate will require a gigantic budget, so Canada’s financial resources will stretched much further.

In Canada, this will mean the erosion and eventual elimination of social benefits from government such as pension plans, Medicare, Pharmacare, welfare and child support. The social safety net upon which we have always relied on in this country will be torn apart. All the rules will change.

A new currency will be essential in this new, political union. The new term, “Amero” has been suggested to replace the dollar and the peso. The usual effect of a currency change is inflationary, since there is no precedent for the price of goods and services in a new currency. Prices will increase higher than wages, but that is nothing new to Canadians. It is the amount of those increases that remain to be seen.

There are many more details in the CFR text, “Building a North American Community,” and I would direct readers to the CFR website at for summaries of this information.

The apologists for our secretive Conservative government, or the opposition parties including the NDP, Liberals and the Bloc must be aware of what will transpire. If that is the case, what isn’t it being discussed in the House of Commons and why aren’t we, the citizens of Canada, being informed by the media about what is literally on our doorstep? The question is not if the North American Union will occur, the question is when will it occur and how will it change Canadian lives?

Moreover, 2010 is not far away, and I would suggest that the wheels are moving quickly, as I write, to expedite the thousands of details that will become a part of this new, feudal system of government, the North American Union, one in which the individual will have no voice at all and the quality of life we currently enjoy in Canada will be gone forever.

Offered below is concrete evidence to show that the Bush administration is quietly moving along with the building a gigantic, NAFTA Super Highway, 4 football fields wide, that will stretch from the Mexican border at Laredo, Texas to the Canadian border, north of Duluth, Minnesota.

Once complete, containers will arrive from the Far East and enter the United States from Mexico, bypassing any involvement with the Teamsters Union and the Longshoreman’s Union. As incredible as this sounds, the Texas corridor of the road, as well as rail lines and pipelines, are ready for construction next year, without any congressional legislation directly authorizing a planned, 10 lane, international corridor that will split the country in half.

The first thing that we need to do in Canada is to confront our federal politicians and demand answers to all of the vexing questions regarding a North American Union, including full public disclosure of all information and timelines.

A good start would be for the media to interview former Deputy Prime Minister John Manley, and ask him to explain his motivation for becoming Chair of a CFR Committee, whose recommendations will mean the loss of a sovereign Canada.

Following that, we need the Canadian government to hold public consultations in this country on a national scale like we have never seen, so that the people who elected our government, can put forth their ideas to protect what we built in Canada over 400 years.

Anything less will be a complete whitewash, and the beginning of the end of democracy in Canada.

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Immigration and the North American Union- Part 4

The United States is very clear about the importance of border security these days, with the passport issue is front and centre in the media. We are told daily in the media that we must have secure borders, and that passport identification is a must. In fact, by 2008 all Canadians will be required to have a passport before entering the United States.

On the surface it appears that the U.S. really is concerned about border security, and that its ‘enemies’ are outside its borders.

The reality, however is quite a different matter. With over 20 million illegal immigrants living in the United States, the majority of whom are Mexicans, the country seems to be encouraging illegal immigration. This number represents more than half of the population of Canada, and thousands of Mexicans are pouring across the border each day.

Furthermore, an organization of vigilantes now claims to patrol parts of the US-Mexican border, reporting any suspicious movements to the Border Patrol. The majority of Americans are fed up with the situation, which is totally ludicrous.

The influx of so many, mostly poor, impoverished and unskilled aliens has overloaded the already burdened social services in states like California, Arizona and New Mexico. Illegal immigrants, excluding the ones who have traditionally come to the states for short-term manual jobs in agriculture, are demanding welfare, child care, housing and other state benefits. These people do not contribute to the tax base, and are therefore creating a huge imbalance on an already overworked system.

Criminal elements, particularly gangs, have formed in cities like Los Angeles, so it is not surprising that crime rates have increased dramatically. Unfortunately this puts a strain on policing services that are already under tremendous pressure.

It should be obvious that another game is being played by the American administration that has nothing to do with security. The name of the game is called the North American Union, and within four years, all of the rules of the game are about to change for people living on this continent.

As previous articles to this newspaper have already outlined, the North American Union is being promoted by the CFR(Council on Foreign Relations) whose Chair is former Deputy Prime Minister John P. Manley. By 2010, the borders will be open between Canada, the United States and Mexico. We will be one North American Union with the same identification card, currency, laws and political leaders. Canada will still retain a government, but that government will no longer be sovereign; it will be subject to the Constitution of the North American Union.

So, in fact, the disagreements about passports and the incessant rhetoric about border security is a ruse, a sham, to create doubts about the economy, trade and tourism. People who stand to lose the most with a passport controlled border will shout the loudest, and the media will convince people that the introduction of passports will be a major disaster.

Then, out of the blue, just in time for the rollout of the North American Union in 2010, the American government will announce that we won’t be needing those passports after all, because a solution has been found. Only a pass will be required by the North American Union, and free movement across borders will eventually be the rule as it is in Europe.

Modern governments have perfected the science of propaganda so well that most events are engineered so perfectly, that we have no idea what is going on.

History is not a compilation of haphazard events. History, which includes wars, treaties, sanctions and political leadership and financial changes are planned and organized by powerful people, including bloodline families like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. These people belong to secretive committees such as the Bilderbergers and the Council on Foreign Relations, and their meeting places are tightly secured and off limits to the media.

Recently, in Ottawa the Bilderbergers had their annual meeting, and as usual, all of the participants were tight lipped about the proceedings.

No doubt one of the topics under discussion was the North American Union, and the plan for the next step in the march toward the century-old goal of a New World Order.