Lone Protester- The Cure for America’s Ills

So, what’s the cure for America’s ills? Two words. Term limits. It is time to go back to the citizen politicians that have the best interest of this country at heart instead of themselves and their political party and staying in power in perpetuity. Our current crop of career politicians have damn near brought about the total collapse of everything that we hold dear. They have brought our education system to its knees, social security is going bankrupt, fuel and food prices shooting skyward, 38 million illegals in the country, Wall Street is baled out, and a war that has lasted twice as long as World War II. Someone please name me one thing that that our government and politicians haven’t messed up?
The politicians now screaming that we need comprehensive immigration reform are the same ones that wrote the last set of bills dealing with immigration in 1986 and 1996. You remember, the ones where amnesty was given but nothing else was done. One way or another we absolutely have to get rid of these bozos because otherwise they are going to destroy the Republic. They have no respect for law and order. The common American has found out that there is one set of laws for us and another set entirely for them and their friends. Anarchy reigns in cities across this great nation while our politicians sit on their thrones in ignorance. Our politicians have been there for so long that they have become deadweight on the system. Thanks to them our system is not working any longer.
The average American citizen has been cast to the side and is becoming like a peon from a third world country. Our constitutional rights have become so perverted that they only work for people that have invaded this country. Our politicians worry more about being their careers than fixing the problems. Our courts are so infected with politically correct liberal activists that the rule of law has been undermined.
The solution is to impose term limits on every elected office. Just think, in six years we could have a completely new House of Representatives, in twelve most of the useless Senate would be gone. In just a few years all the royalty would be gone to write their memoirs. In a few years most of America’s problems could be solved if people were elected to fix our problems instead of idiots without ideas being there until they die in office. Social security could be fixed, education and healthcare could again be the best in the world. Our borders would be secure and our immigration problems could be fixed just by following the laws already on the books.
There are so many common sense approaches to solving our problems that it isn’t funny. Our illegal immigration problems could be solved in a couple of months if every law enforcement officer in this country was ordered to enforce all laws and criminal employers was arrested. Ignorance used to be considered no excuse under the law and we need to make it so again. We need to make the rights of American citizens foremost in every bill written, be it for education, health, welfare, environment, international relations and trade. We need to change our useless free trade agreements into fair trade agreements that will benefit our citizens first and foremost.
And we will most definitely not get these things with our current crop of leaders. They are so afraid of the special interest groups that they cannot function for the American citizen, the reason they were put there in the first place. John Locke, one of our founding fathers said that “tyranny is the exercise of power beyond rightâ€