When I first started contacting Senators Feinstein and Boxer, I utilized a program from capwiz that generated the email for me. Within hours after sending the email, I received an email back from both stating that they don't accept third party generated messages. It then referred me to their individual web sites in order to contact them via email. No big deal. I've been utilizing those web sites for about four months now.

Over the weekend, however, I was trolling through La Raza sites and found a link that was urging everyone to call, fax, email their Senators in support of the Dream Act. Well I followed the link, and it took me to the identical capwiz program that generated my earlier emails. I used the capwiz program, but inserted my own text in opposition to the Dream Act and then sent it.

I've received two messages of thanks from La Raza (they obviously didn't read the content), but nothing from Boxer or Feinstein about not accepting third party generated messages.

The point is that they seem to readily accept messages from those that support their agenda (La Raza), but make those that oppose their agenda jump through hoops in order to contact them

Below is my message sent via the La Raza mailing system with the thank you from LaRaza at the top.

Thank you for using National Council of La Raza Mail System

Message sent to the following recipients:
Senator Boxer
Senator Feinstein
Message text follows:

July 23, 2007

[recipient address was inserted here]

Dear [recipient name was inserted here],

I am writing to urge you to do what you can to pass the "DREAM Act," (S.
774) this year.

Dear Senator,

I strongly urge you to oppose allowing the DREAM Act to be attached as an
amendment to H.R. 1585, the Department of Defense Authorization Bill.

Attaching this amendment to unrelated legislation that is likely to pass
is a tactic by those that are unmindful of the damage illegal immigration
has brought to our nation. It is a tactic to blatantly ignore the will of
the American people.

The DREAM Act is nothing more than a “back doorâ€