I hope we see many more stories like this:

March 08, 2007
Bank of America's Illegals: Letter to the Editor of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel

In February, the Wall Street Journal gave Bank of America chief Kenneth D. Lewis space to "defend" his bank's sell-out to illegal aliens, issuing them credit cards.

Today's WSJ had a couple of good letters to the editor attacking Lewis and BoA (and one moronic letter defending him--by a woman named Elain Jancourtz of Plainsboro, NJ). The letter was by Vincent P.A. Benedict of Collegeville, PA was terrific, so I reprint it below:

Thank you for allowing Kenneth Lewis to plead his case for granting illegal immigrants access to credit cards through his bank; you acted in the true spirit of press freedom.

And I, exercising my freedom, canceled my $39,900 credit-line credit card, which I had held since 1996.

Bank of Illegals

In addition, I have canceled all of my Bank of America accounts and have elected never to do business with Mr. Lewis's company again. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

Vincent P.A. Benedict
Collegeville, Pa.

Kudos to Mr. Benedict.

Posted by Debbie at March 8, 2007 10:38 AM
