Steve Covey (Seven Habits of Highly Efective People) Habit two, urges to us "begin with the end in mind." Noman Vincent Peale (The Power of Positive Thinking) "Says your mind will seek to develop this picture."

On the eve of this important Senate vote I suggest this vision of legal immigration 2010:

In America 2010 American workers are a highly sought after and prized commodity. American companies take great pains and compete frantically to get involved in public schools to develop students that can provide the necessary skill needed for their large or small business in the next five to ten years. Students wishing to be involved in trades and manual labor are not only encouraged but honored by employers eager to find hard working American young people. A path to a decent lively hood and lifestyle, urban and rural, is brought to the attention of interested students.

National job listings provide information to underemployed areas of the nation. These listings are a conglomeration of large and small businesses looking to aid the unemployed and underemployed to move to those areas where smart employers have created a strong need and compensation for workers. Skills are offered, and upgraded where applicable.

All illegal immigrants in 2008 were given the opportunity to return to their country without reprisal. For the last two years the American government has initiated extensive sweeps of employment nation wide and has made extensive arrests for detention of employers and illegal aliens, and deportation of aliens without chance for remployement.

The United States government has already completed a thorough and independent analysis of labor need industry by industry. The first analysis was expensive but ongoing assessments will be done on a rotating industry basis. This first assessment in late 2009 found four industries where the number of American workers was inadequate. The government database of willing foreign workers that are capable of completing these tasks has been forwarded to employers in these industries when evaluations are complete green cards will be executed.

Employers may keep these employees for up to one year. Employers may have a second year if they advertise the job nationwide at prevailing wage. Immigrants may bring their families (children and spouse) for the second year. After year two the immigrants must leave. Any immigrant or family member overstaying his visa must spend a mandatory 30 days in jail and be deported without chance to be re-employed.

Immigrants who provide labor through proper channels or apply and are accepted for citizenship are embraced in the communities where their valuable skills are needed. Those who follow legal channels can work toward the proper quantity of quarters in social security. Any immigrant providing legal labor to the employers in the United States would be able to apply for citizenship and receive preferred status after ten years.

A shrewd analytical approach to immigrant labor can be a win- win for America and immigrants alike.