From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Thursday 12FEB09 12:30 p.m. EST

Pelosi delaying House Stimulus vote -- Phone calls still have chance for miracle on E-Verify


Call your 3 Members of Congress. Go to your Action Buffet corkboard and take all actions offered there.

Capitol Switchboard 202-224-3121.

Get direct info on your 3 Members here.

The outcry against the devious, secretive and undemocratic way that the conference Stimulus Bill was negotiated has led to House Speaker Pelosi putting the House vote off until Friday.

Even though Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Reid and the Obama White House have made it clear that they will not accept any limitations on illegal aliens in the Stimulus Bill, there remains an outside chance that your phone calls this afternoon could tip the balance somewhere.

Long-time NumbersUSA members know that we never give up as long as there is any chance at all.

The people who most need calls are Democratic Senators and these 3 Republican Senators: Snowe (R-Maine), Collins (R-Maine) and Specter (R-Penn.)

If any two of those 61 Senators will tell Sen. Reid that they won't vote for the Stimulus without an E-Verify protection of American workers, we will get the protection.


Phone with these key points:

# "Although the Senator has made it clear that he/she will vote for the Stimulus Bill, he/she has the power to slow down the process long enough to correct a huge injustice in the Conference Report."

# "Please tell Sen. Reid that your Senator will not be able to vote for the bill until the bill clarifies that jobs created by the Stimulus must go to American workers and others who are legally authorized to work in this country."

# "I am sure the Senator does not want this bill he/she has created to spen d this precious money hiring illegal foreign workers. Please decline to pass the bill until the E-Verify protections passed by the House are put back in."

Go to the NumbersUSA home page to read my full blog and our news stories about what is happening with the Stimulus Bill