Does this mean they are taking our 1st Amendment Rights's away?

Recieved in email:

Here is a deadly bill targeted at the Tea Party and C4L. Please, forward to everyone...

A new bill is about the change the face of politics forever.
The "Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in
Elections Act" or the DISCLOSE Act, should be renamed the
"Stifling Grassroots Political Support and Removing Political
Privacy Bill". This act affects ALL people and organizations.
The bill, sponsored by Maryland Representative Chris Van Hollen
has moved out of committee and currently has 114 Cosponsors.
It is on its way to the House floor for a vote.

HR 5175, is written to ensure freedom groups cannot rally their
members in the upcoming elections by placing erroneous reporting
mandates on them and by forcing them to disclose their
membership rosters and donor lists. These mandates apply to
individuals and groups which make independent donations or promote
their favored candidate outside the realm of the official
campaigns, namely Grassroots activism.

But there is more. Please watch this important Action Alert
that contains in depth analysis of the bill, and then
forward this email to all you know.

>> Primary video link:
>> Secondary video link: