Anyone else think that O'Reilly has, um, changed his tune in the past 10 days or so?

My open letter to O'Reilly:

SUBJECT: Why Such Little Coverage on the Amnesty Bill?

Dear Bill O'Reilly,

Why are you avoiding the hot-topics that encompass the current Amnesty bill that has fired up the Nation ? About a week ago, you voiced a strong opinion against the Comprehensive Immigration Bill S.1348, but within 24 hours, you changed your opinion.

When you changed your opinion, you announced that you were accepting the Comprehensive Immigration Bill, better known as The Grand Bargain, or in the real world, "AMNESTY".

As a viewer of your show, I continue to question your actions, or rather the lack thereof. In truth, as the author of "Culture Warrior", I expected more from you. What has happened? You have done nothing for America in taking this stance, yet you declare that you are, indeed, a Patriot to the United States. Are you a Patriot? I feel that you have aligned with a very small minority of politicians because you decided to accept (or more aptly, settle) the Amnesty Bill so that our borders would become secure.

This was your opinion, your rationalization, for accepting the S.1348 Bill. I was stunned to see that you took an about-face within such a short time. Do you actually believe that our border security should be held as a bargaining-chip for the passage of the Z-Visa and Amnesty for 12-20 million illegal aliens in our Nation? Or have you aligned with the illegal aliens, a handful of politikers, and big business? When I visited your website today, I did notice your large banner ad for immigrant banking at and shook my head in disbelief at the question on their front page: "Do you and your family prefer to bank in the Spanish language?"

So did politicians get to you, or did the illegal alien movement cut you a deal that you couldn't refuse? After all, on your radio show about a week ago, you did say that if the government got bad and decided to redistribute the wealth, you would leave the country. What has happened? I thought you were THE Culture Warrior......

Since you were away last week, I waited patiently to see your show last night, on Tuesday. I was hoping to see that in your week's absence you changed your opinion to align more closely with the majority of U.S. citizens.

Needless to say, the content of your show is continuing to decline. I feel that you have joined in with other benign mass-media, Bill O'Reilly. Tuesday's show focused on some rather small issues (the Colorado high school incident, the continuing Rosie versus The Donald fued, and the Hollywood substance abusers). While America is facing one of the largest cultural issues known in our history, you are glossing over the Comprehensive Immigration Bill. What you offered last evening was a very short bit on immigration and racial prejudice. Only this while our Nation is on the brink of a large cultural change.

I would have thought more of the author of "Culture Warrior".