One of the most pernicious examples of collusion with the fascist-elite against the voting public, is the fact that major news networks regularly employ talking heads who are simultaneously card-carrying members of a conspiracy elite cabal - either the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the Bohemian Club, or the Bilderberg Group.
Let's get this out of the way to begin with: Jeffrey Toobin is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (2006-). See the complete rosters of the CFR (PDF: the years 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007) to confirm. "Knowledge is Power," as the elite are fond of saying. And just knowing this fact, is key to understanding Jeffrey Toobin's motive in attacking Ron Paul after the CNN Republican YouTube debate (28/11/2007):

"...that some secret forces are planning..." Ya, like the CFR! Of which Ron Paul, and the guy who asked the question, mentioned specifically. Toobin's vitriol is directed at Paul for the simple fact that the CFR is named as the lynchpin of the North American Union. Toobin is enamored with the power and prestige associated with his beloved Council on Foreign Relations. Being such a fresh recruit, defending the organization is the least he can do - and is most likely required.