"Blame? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Blame!"

Instead of fretting about who'll get blamed for the government shutdown, why not focus on who'll get the credit?

That's right, the real question should be - must be, "Who'll get the credit, who'll get the props?" for standing up, standing tall, standing firm - drawing a meaningful red line against the federal leviathan that insists on ramming the poison pill of ObamaCare down America's throat.

Yes, the federal government is experiencing a partial shutdown as a consequence of the Republicans' somewhat surprising determination. Yes, some people will suffer at least temporary financial hardship or some sort of inconvenience or interruption of plans, but…

House Republicans have played the funding card and called the Democrats' bluff. And as of this recording, the GOP hardline is holding…holding against repeated Senate rejections of compromise funding proposals that would have kept the government going, while defunding or delaying or dialing back ObamaCare.

Yet, even as the government is shut down, the ObamaCare Health Insurance Marketplace is open for business. Glitchy, to be sure, halting and hiccuppy, but the website healthcare.gov is bumping along, providing some access to the insurance exchanges. So, we suppose those government workers trying to get ObamaCare up and running online - those workers must be essential and therefore not furloughed.

But the real question is, will healthy young Americans go online and sign up? Will these new participants essential to the functioning of this brave new health care system join in, pay up and help fund and feed the ObamaCare monster? And will negative opinions about the President's health care takeover scheme soften? Even as the law marks it coming out, new polls find that only a fraction of respondents think ObamaCare will help them and their families. Lots of folks say the law will, in fact, hurt. Tons of those surveyed by various groups are confused or simply out to lunch.

You know what they say about first impressions…and when it comes to ObamaCare, the country's first impression should have team Obama in need of treatment for depression. Of course, leading lefties like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are publicly smiling and high-fiving and strutting around crowing about the dire political consequences of the shutdown for those mean, nasty, greedy, hateful, obstructionist Republicans. And naturally, many of their media allies are going along with the gloat.

But we suspect that privately, when the bluster and bully bravado has been left outside the chamber doors, the progressives with any sense of political reality are more worried than they are confident the shutdown will play out in their favor. It's been some 17 years since the lights last went out in Washington. Times are very different. The economy, the grassroots activism, the arrogance of this President, our faith in the future, the mood of the country are a far cry from the days of the Gingrich/Clinton showdown.

And there's this from one of the nation's leading public opinion analysts, noted political scientist James Stimson - Americans, he finds, are in their most conservative "policy mood" since 1952. With Obama in the White House, there's been a marked shift in our political leanings - a shift to the right, to conservatism. And now with strong, solid, steady conservative champions on Capitol Hill, it's time we stop fretting about taking the blame for taking bold steps to stop the ObamaCare train wreck, and start taking credit for having the guts to pull the emergency brake.
