At McCain Speech, a Paul Rally Breaks Out

By Juliet Eilperin
Everything about Arizona senator John McCain's appearance in an airport hangar here Friday was predictable: the stump speech, the well-worn jokes and the warm-up speakers who spoke of how well-prepared McCain was to confront terrorists who threaten the American way of life.

Everything, that is, except for the supporters of Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) who showed up.

Sure, you may have seen them on street corners and heard them cheer on their candidate in debates. But they made a serious impression at McCain's rally, including by waving handmade signs declaring "The Media is Bias" (as opposed to "biased") and "McCain is a Democrat."

Todd Haupt, who lost his real estate business last year and now sells health drinks, said he and his fellow Paulites came to demonstrate there's a different sort of Republican also seeking the nation's highest office, politely.

"You can't interrupt McCain while he's speaking," Haupt explained as he held his sign attacking the Fourth Estate. "You don't want to disrespect the guy."

That said, Haupt -- a registered Republican who lives in St. Peters, Mo. -- made it clear that he sees McCain as a phony.

"McCain is another President Bush. He's not what he says," he said, ripping into one of the senator's most frequent linguistic habits. "I hate when he says, 'My friends.' McCain is not my friend."

The Trail had a difficult time estimating how many Paulites showed up at the rally, because they started dispersing as soon as it ended. At least a dozen hung around for a while; Haupt estimated that 50 showed up at the start of the event.

Many at the rally, of course, supported McCain. Bill and Marion Howell, Republicans who live in Chesterfield, Mo., said they support the senator because they agree with most of his policies, and see him as well positioned to appeal to independents and moderate Democrats in a general election.

"This is going to be a hard election," said Bill Howell, a salesman. "He presents a better choice to the entire electorate."

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