March 7, 2008

Enforce U.S. immigration laws or just let everyone in

The Clarion-Ledger

On Feb. 29, there was a letter to the editor entitled: "We are divinely commanded to aid newcomer among us."

Now let's see if I have it right. Anyone coming into this country and becoming a citizen from any country such as Germany, Italy, Austria, Spain and most everywhere else, is required by law to go through a series of steps, including being able to speak, read and write English; however, there is an exception to these rules that merely allows some people to step across a border, take up residence and eventually enjoy all the perks that we have paid into all our working days.

According to what I have read, there are absolutely no checks and balances in place to effectively prevent the phenomenon from occurring. Criminals, drug dealers and people needing help can come in without an awful lot of effort.

May I ask just who is to blame?

Could it be our government, from the top all the way down through the Senate and Congress that includes most of the politicians? Actually the illegal immigrants here are really not to blame because their entrances, for the most part, were not very difficult.

Either we need to take action to prevent the above from happening or let everyone in without any rules.

Bill Hutto