Boycott ideas:

We should plan a "sick" day to show how much it will cost if the majority are not taken to heart. If we can get a few hundred thousand to all take the same day off or call in sick (and get the word out to the media), then we can represent our buying power in another way. I suggest May 5!

Another idea; we should have one day where we boycott all restaurants. We could do this next May on the 5th, or we could do it every weekend in May. But we need to get the message out to the press!!! Without the press being aware, then it might not make much difference.

A few things I don’t understand about the proposed legislation:

1. Why is an illegal allowed to stay on the path to citizenship until he or she has “3” misdemeanors (or one of the proscribed felonies)? I would think any crime after entering a temporary work program should be enough to cause deportation. Essentially, one should be on probation for illegally entering the country and any future convictions should be considered a violation of such probation.

2. Why do politicians say that the money spent on border security has been doubled over the last few years, but we still have a problem; and therefore, spending more money on border security is not the answer? This does not make sense? Does anyone think that we should spend zero, or less money on securing the border? If we still have a problem it is either because not enough money is being spent or it is being managed by idiots. After all, we are talking about our government. The same government that put a pedophile in our office of Home Land Security. Way to go!

3. Why can't a temporary work program be established that does not give illegal aliens an earned income tax credit and does not give them a path to citizenship unless they get in line and wait their turn? Under this route, the taxes collected should make this beneficial to all that need consideration.

4. Why don’t we cut off existing work visas being given to Mexico until it can ensure us that the illegal immigrants entering our country from Mexico are less in number than its allotted annual visas of around 200 thousand. How about getting them involved? Under the proposed legislation, the number of visas effectively increases to 1 million! What is going on in D.C.?