07-17-07 Chief Aguilar has ordered every Border Patrol Agent in the United States of America to watch a video of him extolling the virtues of the Bush Administration's so-called "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". In the video, Chief Aguilar goes out of his way to convince us that he does not support "amnesty" for illegal aliens. This is perhaps the single most boring and uninformative "video" ever put out by the INS, the BP, and/or CBP. And that's saying a mouth full. Border Patrol agents in the United States, by our estimation, wasted a minimum of 2,750 man hours watching this political hit piece. We must admit that the flaming BP logo and the accompanying music put together by Aguilar's crack team of propaganda specialists (consisting of managers thinly disguised as "Border Patrol agents") was rather amusing though. If you're going to talk for 10 or 15 minutes and order all your agents to endure it on video, at least have the kindness to actually say something they can understand. Arguing in circles just makes us dizzy. We have personally witnessed agents coming out of offices after watching the video, and they closely resembled Jack Nicholson after the lobotomy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. God help us.
