Employers stuck in border bind

By: Michael D. Pattinson - Commentary
DECEMBER 26, 2006

Building fences can get you in big trouble these days.

A federal judge recently slapped a $5 million fine on a local fence company that works for me and every other big home builder in North County. Its executives are facing jail time as well.

Because of the severity of the penalty, some thought they were guilty of assault or fraud or something worse. You be the judge: They hired 10 illegal aliens.

Just hours after news of the outlaw fence company became public, the Escondido City Council rescinded its plan to punish landlords who rent to illegal aliens. They did this in the face of a federal court finding against their measure and the prospect of millions of dollars in legal bills.

Hire an illegal alien and go to jail. Give the same people a place to live and the ACLU will make you a local hero.

If you are not confused, it shows you do not understand the situation.

I just returned from Australia, where the government scrutinizes visas as if they are important. Same with China. Those countries know who should ---- and should not ---- be there. Law enforcement, not business owners, is in charge of enforcing the law, .

When they find illegal aliens in Australia and China, they do not throw employers under the bus. They put unwelcome visitors on the bus ---- and send them to jail.

Just after news of the Escondido council's surrender, the immigration authorities in Washington announced that they were abandoning efforts to track immigrants as they enter and leave our country.

They said it is too difficult to do here what in Australia is routine.

For all the talk, all the posturing, all the outrage, all the promises of action, all the danger from an open border, here is the state of immigration reform in America today:

Every city in California has a policy that prevents police from checking the legal status of people they arrest. Landlords are free to rent to whomever they wish. Don't even think about asking for voter ID to prove you are a citizen.

Employers are the first, last and only line of defense against illegal entry into the country. You don't have to wonder any more why 20 million illegal aliens live here with impunity. Now you know.

So much for good fences making good neighbors.

Careful readers of this column may detect a whiff of hypocrisy here. I have called for tougher enforcement of laws at the border. And I do not condone the hiring of illegal aliens for any reason.

However, there has to be a better solution than arresting business people while letting the people who do violate our laws run free. A solution better than putting American citizens in jail while illegal aliens sleep comfortably in their Escondido rentals.

Some would say it is ironic that a fence company is in trouble because the federal government will not build a decent fence.

That's not irony. That's insanity.

Michael D. Pattinson, a freelance columnist for the North County Times, is president of Barratt American, a builder based in Carlsbad.

http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2006/12 ... ogcomments

Comments On This Story

Simon says: wrote on December 25, 2006 9:53 PM:" The fence should go up, illegals should be stopped at the border, city police should determine if a person they have stopped is an illegal and notify ICE, employers are guilty when they hire illegals and landlords should be held responsible for letting space to illegals. If there is probable cause for a felony when an illegal is stopped for a violation by local police, that illegal should be tried locally. The insanity is that Americans are breaking the law across the board for money and nothing is being done about it. "

Shell Answer Man
wrote on December 25, 2006 10:36 PM:"The feds think that they are doing you, the employer, a favor by allowing you to have all of this cheap labor. I'd be interested to see the stats on workers' comp for the illegals. If the feds keep you fat and happy, you will support open border politicians financially. Therefore, if you want to get off the merry-go-round you should share your opinion with pro-illegal supporters at the federal level. As it stands now, there is no consensus on where the buck stops."

wrote on December 25, 2006 11:58 PM:"Amen. The only right illegal aliens have is the right to be deported with dignity."

Ray wrote on December 26, 2006 12:24 AM:"The police already have a law that allows them to check the immigration status of an alien arrested, it's called Penal Code 834 (b) and ALL law enforcement agencies in California MUST comply. Seems our law enforcement agencies are being selective in enforcing the laws, I'll remember that next time I get a speeding ticket."

domack wrote on December 26, 2006 1:06 AM:"We have little control over foreigners hiding in plane sight, but we do have control over greedy employers who exploit helpless third world aliens. There should be a reward for every illegal turned in paid by the employer that hired them, they (aliens) would be packing in a few weeks as displaced American reclaimed their jobs…. "

To Ray
wrote on December 26, 2006 10:05 AM:"Penal code 834 isn't a law that allows police to enforce immigration it just states police agencies will cooperate with ICE during their investigations. You check a box on a police report thats states the person is undocumented. ICE is supposed to follow up from there. SEEMS PEOPLE SHOULD READ THE PENAL CODE BEFORE TELLING PEOPLE WHAT IT SAYS! And yes police are selective about enfrcing the law, you don't pull someone over for speeding while heading to a high priority call of a battery or stabbing..."

Mike wrote on December 26, 2006 10:12 AM:"While I wish what Ray stated was true true, Penal 834 does not allow police to enforce immigration law. It does allow them to check a box on a police report stating that the arrested person is undocumented. It does not allow them to detain someone simply for immigration status. SEEMS some people are selective in stating the facts!"

Broken Borders, Broken Laws wrote on December 26, 2006 10:54 AM:"It is obvious that the situation is wrought with ironies and out of control. But, the use of illegal labor is in fact, illegal and thus employers should suffer the consequences. That being said, the illegals who have broken the law to enter the country should also suffer the consequences and be deported to their country of origin. "

Skip wrote on December 26, 2006 11:33 AM:"Speaking of the fence? How many miles are finished so far? 10 miles? 100 miles? 700 miles? What! They have started haven't they?"

Skip wrote on December 26, 2006 11:40 AM:"I am sure that California taxpayers do not mind a reduction in State Services so that we can be compassionate and give third world Illegal Aliens free medical care. While we are at it I guess we could also raise taxes so as to provide more public Spanish speaking schools. El Presidente fox is got a deal of a lifetime by sending his impoverished and hopeless people here. Not only has Mexico saved a fortune in social services, but the got a bonus of billions of dollars in remittances, sent back to their country. The one thing I never quite understood is how Illegal Aliens can send two thirds of their pay back to Mexico but cannot pay their medical bills, or city, state, and federal taxes, and then the activists make a big deal out them paying sales tax."