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Koran Found Burned At East Lansing Mosque
By Metro News

(Detroit, MI) -- Leaders in the Muslim community in Michigan are asking the FBI to investigate a burned Koran found at an East Lansing mosque over the weekend. The Islamic Center of East Lansing announced that the defaced Muslim holy text was found on Saturday morning during a religious celebration. Dawud Walid ( with the Michigan Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations says federal officials should investigate the burning as a hate crime.

According to CAIR, the singed Koran pages were torn out. A spokesperson for the mosque said the matter was made public a day late because of 9-11 remembrances on Saturday. East Lansing Police initially responded to the complaint. The FBI says it is aware of the incident. The mosque was not equipped with surveillance video equipment. Islamic centers and mosques in Detroit and Dearborn do have 24-hour surveillance.
Additional Audio:

Dawud Walid with the Michigan Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations says the act is upsetting, but not surprising.

[I once remember a radical Islamic newspaper in Dearborn that claimed a molotov cocktail was thrown at their building but magically landed on the steps to the building where the editor claimed they found it.]