Is Bush an American or is he a Mexican?

To the editor:

I'm getting suspicious about President Bush. Is he really American or did his family long ago sneak across the Mexican border? This is not a silly question. For some reason, he seems to want to give Mexico free access to our nation while they do not give us free access to theirs. And he just gave away another large chunk.

On his own, our president has pushed for and finally succeeded in allowing Mexican 18-wheelers free access to our nation. Let's see now, we're spending millions and millions and millions to build a fence along the Mexican border to cut down drug trade and smuggling of illegal immigrants, but we're going to allow Mexican truckers to cross that same border and travel anywhere in our country?

I can hear the happy Mexican drug smugglers now; “Such a good deal from El Presidente Bush! We used to have to carry 50-60 pounds of drugs in a filthy back pack, sneak carefully in the dark of night where there are dangerous snakes and cactus with sharp needles. And maybe we'd be caught by the Border Patrol. But now, we can just load up one or two 18-wheelers with drugs we can sell in the United States and retire to Florida. Gracias, El Presidente Bush!â€