Bush on Amnesty: Meaningless Promise of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel

We're going to show the American people that the promises in this bill will be kept.
President George W. Bush on the Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill, whoted in the June 25, 2007 print edition of Newsweek.

Wait a sec. He's been President for 6.5 years and he hasn't shown the American people that he can keep the promises in the previous Amnesty bills. Why should we believe him on this one?

Oh, and BTW, that depends on what "promises" he's referring to. Is this Clintonesque word parsing? If he means that he promises that 20 million people will instantly become citizens and that hundreds of thousands of others can become instant legal workers who will stay indefinitely, then I definitely believe him.

AmnesTea by David Lunde/Lundesigns
But that's not an argument that makes any reasonable American concerned with national security and our country's future want to support this dangerous bill.
