Sunday, June 17, 2007
Conservatives rebel over illegal immigration bill
Letters to the Editor for June 17
With the Republican Party divided and his poll numbers sagging, President George W. Bush has prodded rebellious Senate Republicans to help resurrect his "comprehensive" immigration legislation. It is reported that several lawmakers told the president that their constituents do not trust the government to secure the nation's borders or weed out illegal workers at job sites.

I wonder where the constituents got that idea?

Perhaps citizens do not trust the government for these reasons:

• Since the amnesty under Ronald Reagan, which promised "tough border and workplace enforcement," the problem has gone from 4 million illegals to at least 12 million.

• Only two miles of the 700 miles of new border fencing approved by Congress has been built.

• There continues to be virtually zero workplace enforcement.

• When California voted in Proposition 187, which cut many of the incentives for illegals to come here, a couple of appellate judges substituted their will for that of the voters and struck it down, while our then-governor looked the other way and refused to fight the decision.

• Every town or hamlet in America that tries to protect its citizens and its way of life by enacting ordinances to discourage illegals finds that the courts will veto the effort.

The conclusion is clear: Cities and towns have no sovereignty to control their quality of life. States have no sovereignty, because their voters' wishes are subject to veto by judicial fiat. And our nation has no sovereignty because our federal government, whose job includes border security, either cannot or will not protect our borders and enforce our laws.

Are the 4,000 people who sneak into our country each day from Mexico friend or foe, al-Qaida, hard-working illegal immigrants, or invaders who are reaping benefits belonging to U.S. citizens? With no sovereignty, it matters little.

Now that Bush has alienated conservatives who voted him into office by impugning their motives and has misrepresented the reasons for their passion, the disconnect between the White House and reality is complete.

For the millions of us for whom this was the last straw and have now broken ranks with the president, the only good news is that his "No Illegal Alien Left Behind" legislation will never pass.

- John Stewart of Villa Park ... 731423.php