Section from Oct 14 transcript of the Glenn Beck Show

BECK: Vote early and often, actually said originally by Al Capone, when crime and Chicago politics walked hand and hand. It`s completely different now.

Unfortunately, claims of voter fraud didn`t end with Al Capone and the Chicago way. ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now -- and I think they mean it -- is a group of community organizers, currently under investigation in several states, where it`s suspected of filing fraudulent voter registrations. What?

Serious accusation, especially with a presidential election at stake, but once the allegation has been -- has been made, you know, something as severe as voter fraud, how -- how do we begin and why hasn`t already begun an investigation?

Representative John Culberson is a Republican from Texas.

What are the allegations here and how widespread is it, Congressman?

REP. JOHN CULBERSON (R), TEXAS: Glenn, the ACORN organization has actually admitted to and pled guilty to a number of these fraud charges. It`s far more than charges. We know they`ve done it.

We`ve also got interviews on the Internet. Thanks to the Internet, people have been able to see for themselves interviews with individuals who have been, in some case, signed up to vote as many as 72 times, and repeatedly hounded by these ACORN activists. So we know there`s voter fraud going on but...

BECK: OK, but you know, Congressman, here`s what really is -- America, you`re going to wet yourself when you hear this, you`re going to be so mad. Congressman, why is it over the summer Congress put into all of our mortgages a -- what is it -- a $400 donation, if you will, to ACORN? Everybody who has a mortgage, you`re now donating to ACORN.

CULBERSON: Unfortunately, Glenn, that`s exactly right. That was one of my -- a no vote that I`m glad I cast. I also voted against these two bad bailout bills last week.

But the fact of the matter is that in the Fannie and Freddie Mae bill that Barney Frank put together this summer, when we nationalized the mortgage banking industry, that legislation, Glenn, contained language that gave the -- these community activist organizations like ACORN -- out of every $100,000 mortgage FROM THIS DAY FORWARD, each one of us will pay a fee of $420 forever that will go directly to these community activist organizations. It`s going to be a line item on your closing statement.

BECK: Congressman, when did we lose control of our country? I mean, we have -- it has been taken over by thieves and criminals and socialists and Marxists, and god only knows what. What the hell happened, and how do we get it back?

CULBERSON: We, the people, have lost control of the government, Glenn. Look at what happened with this Wall Street bailout. These bums that are -- basically, we`ve got a Goldman Sachs CEO as secretary of the treasury, bailing out Wall Street bankers with our money, with our kids` money. It is absolutely disgraceful. It`s an outrage.

We -- gave King Henry -- Henry Paulson is essentially now a king, gave him $700 billion to spend it however he wants. He is going to bail out, with that -- with our tax money, we`re going to borrow money from Chinese and Middle Eastern banks to bail out Chinese and Middle Eastern banks. The outrages just don`t stop.

And we lost control, Glenn, when we drifted away from the core principles of the founders. Now, we can take it back. Every two years we have a revolution in this country. And I think it`s critical that voters demand that their elected officials show some backbone, show some spine, and some commitment to the Constitution, and otherwise we`re going to throw you out.

And it`s just inexcusable, and this Wall Street bill, I hope, is the catalyst, when we see the country seize the level of greed and the amount of money that we`ve lost and are squandering, I hope we rise up in this election and throw -- and throw the bums out, if -- if they supported this.

BECK: Back in a minute with "The Real Story." Thanks, Congressman. ... gb.01.html