I saw a program on San Diego's ITV (Instructional TV) Channel called Teaching Multicultural Students, which teaches all these Mexican kids that U.S. immigration laws are injust and must be revolted against. The show went on for an hour with the teacher telling these kids how it was their right to come here illegally, since our laws are unfair to Mexicans. They had this class made up entirely of illegal alien and anchor baby kids write reports on how their families hae been unfairly treated by American laws. They had them tell of how their parents can't get driver's licenses, healthcare, etc. and how they need to grow up and demand our laws be changed. They are teaching them how their parents should organize and strike for better pay and benefits. They are teaching them how terrible Americans are for not allowing bilingual education, and all kinds of other crap. This show made me sick, this white lady teacher was encouraging these kids to not respect our laws since they didn't suit their needs.

I could go on and on with the garbage that was being spewn by the teacher, but suffice it to say, this was not education, this was pure propaganda for Mexicans, to benefit Mexicans. Propaganda designed to teach them to disrespect and ignore American laws and teach these kids that it was their responsibility when they grow up to rebel against the so-called unjust treatment of their people by America and demand our laws be changed to benefit Mexico.