I'm a native California (51 years old).

We are all P. T. Barnum era carnival suckers for putting up with illegal aliens.

Illegals contribute $1 billion a year to tax coffers

Illegals get $10 billion a year in social services for that $1 billion.

We are all out of our minds for letting this happen.

Chomsky said, "You can solve most problems in life by applying grammar school level logic."

"Daddy, I went to the store to buy $10 worth of candy. I gave the clerk $1, but he only gave me $1 worth of candy. Why do illegals in California get $10 for every $1 they lay on the table?"

"Californians are all suckers.", says the father.

Would you buy a $10k BMW for $1k, sure it's a great deal. I'll take 100!

Would you sell a $10k BMW for $1k, no way, you'd be a sucker and the buyer would laugh all the way home.

Illegal immigration in a nutshell-we are all suckers.