The "compromise" they are promoting is actually a wholesale giveaway to Democrats. Touted as a drilling plan, it actually imposes about $84 billion in new taxes on oil companies and keeps the offshore and Arctic National Wildlife Refuge drilling bans.

Drill Now -- Stop the Gang of 10

Tell the Senate, the Gang of 10 and especially John McCain that voters don't want compromise with Democrats. Voters want to Drill NOW!

Drill Now -- Stop the Gang of 10

Drill Here! Drill Now! Drill American!

Tell the Senate Gang of 10 not to undermine the will of the American people!

GOP House members have spent nearly two weeks demanding that they be allowed an up or down vote on drilling for our oil.

As explained by GOPUSA's Bobby Eberle the Senate Gang of 10 is comprised of 5 Republican and 5 Democrat senators who claim to have reached a "bi-partisan energy compromise." A summary of the New Energy Reform Act of 2008 can be seen here. This misplaced effort will cost taxpayers at least $84 billion in new subsidies with only the possibility that very limited areas may be opened to drilling.

Republican members of the Gang of 10 are, Sens. Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson of Georgia, Bob Corker of Tennessee, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and John Thune of South Dakota.

The compromise plan offered by the Gang of 10 limits drilling to 50 miles off the coast of a few states, not all, and depends on an opt-in by those states. There is no mention of ANWR or of developing America's oil shale.

Doing nothing is actually a better option than the compromise of the Senate's Gang of 10 because the oil drilling ban imposed by Congress expires on September 30. Democrats in Congress must renew this ban in order to continue to block America's access to her own oil. Due to Senate rules the minority may be able to block that renewal unless the Gang of 10 prevents it.

Sen. McCain has not yet agreed to this compromise.

Tell the Senate, the Gang of 10 and especially John McCain that voters don't want compromise with Democrats. Voters want to Drill NOW! ... ake+Action