Time for you to email Senator Richard Burr and tell him of your displeasure of him supporting John McCain.
http://burr.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAc ... ntact.Home


Sir, this email is in response to your backing John
Mcain. As a Vietnam veteran I backed McCain on
his first run for the Presidency. But since then he
has shown his true colors and many vets will not
back him because of his McCainnedy ideas and
bills on giving illegal aliens amnesty.
Sorry to say your backing him has cost you my
families vote hence forth. I am a 100% tar heel
tracing my family back to meeting the members of
the lost Colony when they arrived on our shores. At
the family reunion this summer I will make sure
this information is past on about McCain and your
supporting him is known.
Amnesty for these criminal aliens is not
acceptable. There is a process to come to America
and sneaking across the borders is not it. You
people have failed us in the protection of our