Donkeys better known as jackasses have been around for centuries. Their numbers have been limited to a very short pack cause the owner of the donkey would bring the animal to water so he can drink.

The animal would either kick the owner or pull back and keep from drinking the water. If any of you owned a donkey you will know what I mean.

In short many countries feel that if the donkey is too lazy and dumb to lower his head down in the stream to drink water. Then maybe if the dumb animal died from thirst it was then its own fault.

Well the United States is far smarter and better then all the other nations. So it figured out a way to give water to the donkeys without the animal lowering its head to drink water. The politically correct people feel that its inhumane to let the animal die of thirst if it can be prevented.

So the intravenous delivery of water through the leg was created to keep this dumb animal from lowering its head to get water. This animal now realized that it was easy to live in America and called all of its dumb family and friends and told them. "Hey we no longer need to work for our water since in America they deliver it through your leg."

So millions came pouring into the USA for this wonderful new thing. It was all the rage and all the politically correct people started running out of money. After all its expensive to use intravenous therapy.

So the decision is made to beat the work horses harder so they can produce a lot more. The politically correct can now afford to deliver more and more intravenous therapy to the jackasses that keep pouring in. The work horses start to collapse from the burden placed on them and then decide to get water through intravenous therapy too.

Now the future of the country is in trouble and the world is laughing at the USA. There are more and more who are too lazy to lower their heads to get water and the money is running out to keep giving them intravenous therapy.

Maybe China will help pay for all the intravenous therapy? But I doubt it.