Insanity a Viable Defense Against Treason by a Sitting President?

Forget impeachment. President George W Bush has surely lost his mind, and should be removed from office as a result of a sanity hearing.

How else to explain the disclosure that the Bush Administration is warning the Mexican government as to the comings and goings of the patriotic Minutemen? Warning a foreign government about the activities of American citizens trying to protect the homeland?

I would not be surprised to learn that Bush is sending Instant Messages to Vicente Fox stating: "The Americans are Coming! The Americans are coming!"

Millions of illegal aliens march through our streets, wave the Mexican flag and DEMAND citizenship. President Bush says nothing, and does even less.

But let a few hundred senior citizens with lawn chairs and cell phones volunteer to help point out border invasions by illegals, and the Bush Administration feels compelled to alert the Mexican government. Insanity, sheer insanity!

How can OUR government be so incredibly stupid when it comes to illegal aliens?

The larger question: Is Insanity a viable defense against treason?

George W. Bush had better hope so.